by Max Barry

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by Machineland. . 1 reads.

The history of Machineland

In the 14th century, a medieval legion called the "Legion of Algatar" entered the war with the "Red Legion", which was present on the arid, rocky and icy mountains of Tramon. The legion of Algatar was a legion that approved freedom of speech and expression. The red legion was but a legion living in the Tramon mountains. The Algatar legion model was a little more angelic, white, calm, and quiet. In fact, in the town of Silvervillage (the former Silverobot, before the advent of machines), people assumed a cordial, peaceful, peaceful, calm and serene lifestyle. At the end of the war of the two legions, a conference was held in Redcow (Tramon). Was it the "Great Conference" and who was the great? Exactly, the former leader of the red legion Marion Trewer II. The green legion (which was present in the forests of Burr, a group of forests full of unknown animals and plants) decided to enter the discussion talking about science, progress and the future. The leader of the Algamar legion, Algamar IV did not want to believe what they said. However, the inhabitants of Silvervillage seemed interested and excited about progress and science, and then in October 4, 1347, the great revolution was unleashed. The revolution ended with the decapitation of Algamar IV, who died near the round river (river that is very close to the Burr forests). Before he died, he said, "You were a people, a civilization, a big family for me ... And in the end there came the idea of ​​beheading me to make the figure of the slaves to those fools of the green legion ... Uh. ..Hypocrites "and in the end, the ax was lifted, and he was cut off his head. Algamar's legionaries were not so happy with what they had done. In the end, it was the green legion that helped the white one (no longer Algamar, but white) with the future, with science and with progress. Legion technology rose rapidly: from ink feather to print and from printing to typewriter. This was the era of legionary progress, which was a long period full of discoveries and inventions. In the 19th century, however, people had to laugh at what they had done earlier in Algamar: the machines came to power, making the human race its slave. In the 20th century, the name of the new union was "DUTMA" (Delegation of the unified territories of the machines of Algamaria). The DUTMA declared war on the green and the red legions (which after the coup, took advantage of the troops who left Redcow). It was difficult to attack the green and the red one, but in the end, with the advent of the flamethrower (1912) and the planes (1900), the Algamaria war ended with the victory of the DUTMA, which eventually changed its name to "Machineland" ".
And here we are: 2018, and the inhabitants of Silverobot, Redbot and Burobot are looking for a way to stop the domination of the machines, which is financed by the thief and corrupt government.



