by Max Barry

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by Grand brasilistan. . 24 reads.

A cool history of Brazil.

Grand brasilistan Application

The Second Brazilian Empire


Brazilian Merchants and Industrialization
When Brazil, in 1822, became independent, they were largely a slave economy. Europe had just been ravaged by the Napoleonic wars, and Brazil cashed in on this. Brazilian nobles went on huge tours to Europe, to show them the riches, and prosperity of the Brazilian empire. This in turn, llured in merchants from all over Europe, and Brazil established a merchant class.
This merchant class would play a huge role in the industrialization of Brazil, since it would bring in huge amounts of wealth, and the change was for the better, for their own pockets. And so, since Brazil had a large merchant class that could match the slave owners, they'd industrialize. So, this new industrialized brazil, would be the biggest, and most prominent country in south America. As Brazil would be the largest, and most powerful country in south America, that would mean that the surrounding countries would be either, Brazilian protectorates, or allies.

The War of Panama
As the US would seize Panama to build the Panama canal in the early 20th century, this would bring the US into a war with Colombia. But, Colombia would be a Brazilian protectorate/ally, so when America declared war on Colombia in 1903, they would also be declaring war on Brazil, with Panama as it's flash point. As jungles of Panama would be too thick to actually march an army through, there was no land fighting in the Panama war. Meaning that, all the warfare would be done at sea, outside the caribbean, but in the end there would be no land changes, and the only effect of the war, would be that, it would make Brazil hate the US, and feel like they'd been cheated out of a true victory, and vice versa.

The Great War 1914-1917
For America, having a great power, just on the other side of the Caribbean, would mean that America couldn't be isolationist. So, when the Great war started (WWI), America was on the allies side, due to their cultural connections to England. Meanwhile Brazil, wanting to be on any team, the Americans were not, they would choose the Central Powers. Argentina, being very close to Brazil, would fall under the Brazilian sway, and become a Brazilian ally/protectorate. And Chile wanting to be on any side Argentina would not be on, joined the Americans and became part of the Allies. Brazilian troops, would invade British and French Guyana/Guiana, and be victorious. The Brazilians and Argentines would also invade Chile. Around Chile, the war would quickly dissolve into trench warfare, because in WW1 the technologies were biased towards the defender, meaning that the Chileans could just fortify a few mountain passes, inbetween Argentia and Chile, and hold back the Brazilians and Argentines with trench warfare. Also, the US could send supplies to Chile with it's pacific fleet, with no resistance from Brazil, due tpo them not having a pacific coast, and therefore no pacific fleet. After the invasions of Guyana & Guiana the Brazilian troops would also strike at the Congo, because doing so would destroy the allied rubber supply. But, the invasion would fail because of the poor infastucture in the Congo, the Brazilians could seize a few coastal towns, and cities, but beyond that, they couldn't penetrate deep into the congo, or the Allied Africa.

Mexican Civil Great War
Both Brazil, and America would choose a side in the Mexican civil war, to gain further influence over Mexico. The Americans would side with the Democrats, so then naturally Brazil would support the Royalists. The civil war was won by the Democrats, due to America being closer to Mexico, thus being able to send more supplies to their side. Besides that, both of the nations, America & Brazil, would batter eachother navally in the Caribbean, and so America joined The Great War in 1914. Since America joined the war in 1914, the Allies would be able to pull on Americas large amounts of resources, meaning the Germans had to use all their resources to hold the western front, and so, they wouldn't have resouces to fight on the Eastern front. So, in the end The Great War was won in a couple of years.
Brazil, having chosen the wrong side but never actually having been defeated would mean that, it would be given an "Honourable Treaty" in which it would be forced back into the pre-war borders, but wouldn't have to pay any reparations or anything along those lines.

The Second World War
The Second World War was started with the Japanese attacking pearl Harbour, and thus the war would start between Japan, and the US. With the Americans busy fighting the Japanese, the Germans, and the Brazilians thought this would be a great time to strike back, and they would declare war, and the Second World War would begin. The French, after having won the first war with their brilliant offensive tactics, would thus adapt to tank tactics, and thus, the Germans would be unable to defeat ze French. Because in WWII The offense had the advantage instead of the defense, unlike WWI. The Brazilians could Easily Conquer The Chileans, and the Guy/Guianas. The US navy was fighting a three front war, meaning it was be spread thin, so the Brazilians could punch through the US navy line in the Caribbean, and invade the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola, and Cuba, to get a springboard to attack the US mainland. And, the US knew this, so vicious fighting took place in Cuba, and Hispaniola. In the end, Brazil would win a few major battles in Hispaniola, and Cuba, though both nations would be exhausted at this time, and unrest would begin to spread, so a treaty was made, giving Brazil Guyana, Suriname, Guiana, and Hispaniola. Though the Brazilians were out, the war dragged on for many years to come.

Grand brasilistan
