by Max Barry

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by Voninstein. . 6 reads.

A Close Call

48 hours ago, Lieutenant Johnathan Bowers was on duty when the alarms blared out saying the hostile nation of Litvinsoul launched a ICMB nuclear missile and was heading for the capitol city of Voninstein. Lieutenant Bowers went with his gut and thought it wasn't true, so he didn't report this to his highers. Later, when the missile was supposed to hit the capitol city, it did not and it turns out the "missile" was no more than a red balloon! Lieutenant Bowers was soon applauded as a hero, many people call him 'Earth's Savior'. A speech was held at the capitol city with General Ardan and Lieutenant Bowers and our paparazzi was able to get it all on tape. "If Lieutenant Bowers did report this 'nuke' to us, we would of started a nuclear Apocalypse and ended the world" General Ardan stated giving Lieutenant Bowers a medal, "Lieutenant Bowers will always and forever be remembered in our history as the man who saved the World! Hurrah for Lieutenant Bowers!"

