by Max Barry

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by New-amestris. . 6 reads.

The New-Amestrian Green New Deal and F.E.P.

The New-Amestrian government is proud to announce its broad support of a Green New Deal. Including but not limited to the establishment of a National Environmental Protection Agency, an absolute ban on the destruction of natural wetlands, the criminalization of "Trophy Hunting" endangered species, and a complete overhaul to the nation's oil refinery facilities. It is widely believed that is not only possible but essential to achieve a balance between the environment and industry, hence the government shall not mandate excessive or over encumbering regulations that may cripple businesses ability to earn a profit. However, the government moving forward will provide incentives for renewable energy and responsible Waste Management in the form of tax breaks and business subsidies for both large-scale corporations and small family-owned businesses in all Industries. It is our sincerest hope that other nations will follow in suit and promote a clean and healthy environment for all to enjoy. New-Amestris would also like to extend an invitation for all member nations of the Hinterlands to join a Floral Exchange Program. Keeping in mind that the climate and weather change drastically in different areas of the region, the "F.E.P." will promote Environmental Beauty and international camaraderie across the Hinterlands!

