by Max Barry

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by The Second Celestial Republic of Solariia. . 150 reads.

The Constitution of Autropolis

[anchor=top] [/anchor][/center][/background-block]
[align=center][background-block=#0000CD][size=130][center][font=Century Gothic][url=] [color=#ffffff][b]United Regions Alliance[/b][/color][/url] |  [url=][color=#ffffff][b]Statements[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ffffff][b]Autropolis[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ffffff][b]Chancery[/b][/color][/url] | [url=][color=#ffffff][b]The ARC[/b][/color][/url] | [background=white][color=#242424][b]Constitution[/b][/background][/color][/center][/size][/font][/align][/background-block]
[td=7][font=yu gothic light]
[size=300]The Constitution of Autropolis[/size]
[size=125]Composed and compiled by [nation=short+noflag]Endolantron[/nation] and [nation=short+noflag]Solariia[/nation] for the region of Autropolis on 19. March, 2019[/size][/font][hr][/td][/tr][/table]


Hereby providing the framework of liberty, justice, tranquility, welfare, defense, and administration. The governance of Autropolis, by ordinance of this instrument, is established.

[size=150][b]1. LIBERTY[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to self-determination of national rule and be represented by their elected officials of whom are elected by and for the citizens of the region. That in pursuit of liberty, citizens may not have their rights infringed upon by any external influence other than that of this instrument, the World Assembly, or other instruments ratified by the representing government in concordat with representatives of other regions, organizations, or assemblies. And, the powers not delegated to the region by this instrument, nor prohibited by it to its citizens, are reserved to the citizens respectively.

[size=150][b]2. JUSTICE[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to equitable representation and or treatment before, during and after the conduct of a fair trial. That during disputes, discord, or antipathy each party is beheld innocent until proven guilty. That any contemporary party found guilty heretofore by either representatives of the region or any other region, organization, or assembly have their case reviewed. The perpetrator, following deliberation and questioning provided by representatives of the region, may have their public standing restored to a state prior to the imposed sanctions and their crimes deemed absolved. 

[size=150][b]3. TRANQUILITY[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to a peaceful existence withstanding their peaceful prominence to other citizens. That, in the pursuit of tranquility, citizens shall make an attempt to avoid war with one another whenever possible; seeking peaceful means in which to settle disputes. And, that no citizen shall, without the collective judgement of representatives, execute acts of belligerence or war against external forces.

[size=150][b]4. WELFARE[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to health, happiness and fortunes of oneself and one's cognizance that other citizens be granted the same rights. That, in the pursuit of welfare, citizens may protect one's interests against the interests of others without significant impact to others. And, that for the welfare of the region, no citizen, in exception to the Founder and those voted to such a position, may hold a permanent position in the region’s government.

[size=150][b]5. DEFENSE[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to establish pacts or other military ventures with other citizens in the pursuit of common defense. That Autropolis have one official representative standing army for the defense of the region or to the liberation of other regions. And, that any citizen seeking admittance to such standing army be inducted should they meet the requirements established by the Secretary of Defense or position of similar conduct.

[size=150][b]6. ADMINISTRATION[/b][/size]

All nations, after declaring their citizenship to Autropolis and residing within the region excluding exceptions, shall be subject to the ordinances provided by this instrument. Be granted the right to equitable representation by officials elected by the citizens. That every office in exception to the Secretary Executive and Judiciaries be elected by region-wide referendum via regional forum or other medium so-as-to reduce the risk of electoral fraud. That any citizen may establish a political party to represent the region and seek the recruitment of other citizens. And, that this instrument may be amended after contemporary representatives issue an Emergency Constitutional Convention (ECC) and a ⅔ majority is reached, or, in the case it is not possible, ½ + 1 is reached.

[floatright]Composed and compiled by: [nation=short+noflag]Endolantron[/nation] & [nation=short+noflag]Solariia[/nation] for [region]Autropolis[/region] on March 19th, 2019[/floatright]
