by Max Barry

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by Shobha puri. . 2 reads.

The Origins of The Oppressed People of Shobha Puri

Long ago, Shobha Puri was a divine figure in Shobha Purian culture... a goddess of sorts. Overtime, this goddess began to amass a religious following, and it only grew with time. These people were nomadic however, and methods and beliefs of worship varied slightly between groups. After thousands of years, Shobha Puri's following became so big, that leaders from the nomadic groups came together to organize the Shobha Purian religion, and build temples and cities where they could warship the great Shobha together in peace. This was the beginning of the Shobha Purian nation. Eventually, after much more time, religion in the Shobha Purian state began to fade away, and with the advancement of science and technology, groups of people formed who challenged the existence of such a being. And since it was impossible to prove whether Shobha Puri really existed, there was much conflict.

After five years of building conflict, unrest, and violence, the impossible happened. A woman with inexpiable powers emerged, claiming to be Shobha Puri herself, and demanded that the violence cease. However, after that much time, the disbelief set in , and the people tested her to see if it could really be true. Shobha Puri went through the streets of the largest city, healed the sick with a wave of her hand, brought new life and vitality to the dry and dying canals that ran throughout the city, and inexplicably fed thousands of homeless with five loaves of bread and two small fish. Upon witnessing these miracles, the majority of disbelievers were turned.

Shobha Puri demanded that violence cease, and that all of the peoples band together and form an official nation to bring stability. The people agreed, and demanded that she be their holy leader. Initially she refused, but with enough persuasion, Shobha Puri took power. In her initiation speech, she swore to never use divine powers for good nor bad, and to make the Shobha Purian nation the greatest in the world. Unfortunately, she has yet to make good on that. After the initial wave of belief, trust, and support, groups of conspiracy theorists worked to undermine her legitimacy and authority, and eventually, some of these people made it into positions of political power, making it hard for the Shobha to achieve anything. Ultimately, with a group of closely trusted and powerful politicians, she determined they must take utmost control of the central government in order to advance their agenda and make a better nation. Much political opposition was silenced in the coming months. Law enforcement and the military kept a tight grip over the people. Political freedom was practically unheard of, and civil rights were few, thus spawning, [b]The Oppressed Peoples of Shobha Puri[/b][i],[/i] as it is known today.

Shobha puri
