by Max Barry

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by Heulia. . 4 reads.

Some of Heulia's trading partners

Krinslo/British Bayonets
Leonlandia + Libertandonien. Heulia Exports food products, imports automobiles and commercial ships.

With 10 billion barrels of proven oil, Heulia could last almost a thousand days on it's own reserve, however this does not mean the oil is gasoline, or could actually be used if Heulia was completely blockaded. I believe that was at 20.43% of the us' 2018 consumption according to one website all I did was adjust for the population.

After doing that math I found this:
It seems like I should look into the factors that make the us and china so high in comparison to Japan and India and the rest of the world.

18.264840182648 years based off of 2016 UK. Clearly Heulian Oil is not the future and even modern Heulia is reliant on imports.

Nuclear power has been an interest since Heulia gained it's independence. In modern times for the sake of independence nuclear power has become a substantial source of power.

