by Max Barry

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by Dreidenberg. . 26 reads.


Population -140 Million people
-70 Million Women
-70 Million Men

GDP-8.800 Trillion U.S.D

Age structure
31% of the population is between the ages of 1 and 18 (43.4 Million people)
60% of the population is between the age of 19 and 65 (84 Million people)
9% of the population is above the age of 65 (12.600 Million people)

Life expectancy-86.8 Years on average

Capital city-Brugge (5.880 Million inhabitants)

Ethnic group
The nation is split between three main ethnic groups these being the Chasseur, Jager and "Anglo". The Chasseur are the largest ethnic group in the country comprising 50% of the total population or 70 Million people. They are descendants of French and Belgian settlers and speak their own dialect of French. The second largest ethnic group are the Jager comprising 30% of the population or 42 Million people. They are descendants of mainly Dutch and some German settlers and speak their own dialect of Dutch. Lastly the remaining ethnic group the "Anglo" are the smallest ethnic group in the country comprising about 20% of the total population or 28 Million people. They are descendants of British and Irish settlers and speak English (though with a distinct accent).

As of 2020 84% of the population is able to speak and write in English, French and Dutch with the percentage jumping to 94% in Urban areas and falling to 78% in Rural ones. The nation is a mix of the 3 official languages aforementioned with areas of the country being majority French, Dutch or English speaking. An example of this is the Heidelberg province of the country's north specifically the province's capital Upington where Anglos make up 60% of the population and the main language of instruction is English another example of this is the Bourgognia province in the country's North West which is majority french speaking.

Unemployment rate

Poverty rate

Francophone states
Toulesia-39.312 Million people in population
Loraine-21.168 Million people in population
Nouvelle Bourgogne-15.120 Million people in population
Germanic states
Suid-Vrystaat-17.472 Million people in population
Noord Vrijstaat-13.104 Million people in population
Draakenheim-5.824 Million people in population
Anglo states
Lyneshire-14.560 Million people in population
Crowland-8.680 Million people in population
Swansea-4.760 Million people in population

GDP growth
2020-8.800 Trillion U.S.D (Projected growth of 2.3%)
2019-8.572 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.6%)
2018-8.341 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.7%)
2017-8.125 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.6%)
2016-7.914 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.6%)
2015-7.709 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.6%)
2014-7.501 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.7%)
2013-7.291 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.8%)
2012-7.095 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.7%)
2011-6.911 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.6%)
2010-6.739 Trillion U.S.D (Growth of 2.5%)

Size-8.108 Million Km2

Government spending-4.752 Trillion in government spending

Conscription-Every man between the ages of 18 and 25 is required by the National Defense Law of 1984 to serve a minimum of 3 years active duty in the nation's armed forces followed by 4 years in the reserve force

Gun laws
In accordance with the firearms law of 1986 all citizens 18 and above are able to purchase a maximum of 6 firearms given they obtain the necessary permits and training. As of 2020 there are 21.400 Million registered firearm owners in the nation and 81.840 Million privately owned firearms.

For the past 60 years the nation has been ruled by the Leftist Mass Socialist Party (M.S.P). Its first leader Louis Kruger was responsible for developing a country to a massive extent during his 36 years as head of state. During Kruger's time in office the country radically changed with the poverty rate, homelessness and unemployment more than halving whilst standard of living increased and the cost of living goes significantly decreased.Under Kruger the nation achieved having the most efficient healthcare system in the region and one of the best ones in the world with the education system achieving similar victories. GDP more than tripled, crime was reduced so much that many began sleeping with their doors and cars unlocked and infrastructure saw a great leap in its state and condition.Furthermore the rights of women were greatly expanded along with civil liberties. All of these factors have combined to give Kruger and the M.S.P an approval l rating of 88% by the time of his resignation form the presidency in 2008.

Political leaders
Micheal Rosenberg (1860-1952)
Years in power-1902 to 1917

James Cornwell (1869-1743)
Years in power1917 to 1927

The nation gains its independence from the UK in 1927 ending 60 years of British rule

Willem De Jong (1880-1966)
Years in power-1928 to 1943

Charles Le fort (1898-1973)
Years in power-1943 to 1960

Socialist revolution happens in 1960 and the Le fort administration is brought to an end

Louis Kruger (1921-2003)
Years in power-1960 to 200)

Frank Botha (Born in 1953)
Years in power-2000 to Present day

Currency worth
1 Gael is worth 1.60 Pound
1 Gael is worth 1.87 Euro
1 Gael is worth 2.12 Dollars
1 Gael is worth 3.34 Canadian dollars
1 Gael is worth 2.10 Australian dollars

Armed Forces
Army-1.470 Thousand Personnel (320.760 Billion in funding)
Air Force-235 Thousand Personnel (53.460 Billion in funding)
Navy-255 Thousand Personnel (53.460 Billion in funding)
427.680 Billion in total funding

National Anthem-Forward For Freedom, Vorentoe Voor vryheid,En avant pour la liberté

Election results
2015-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
2010-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
2005- M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
2000-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
1995-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
1990-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 86% of the total vote
1985-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 85% of the total vote
1980-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 84% of the total vote
1975-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 81% of the total vote
1970-M.S.P wins a landslide victory acquiring 63% of the total vote

2020-140.000 Million
2015-132.300 Million
2010-125.024 Million
2005-118.148 Million
2000-111.355 Million
1995-104.950 Million
1990-98.916 Million

Obesity rate

