by Max Barry

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by Covria. . 1 reads.

The treatice on the governments will

A government, in its true essence and nature ought be an entity ordained with the ability to give its citizens choice. It should be, in every facet of its being designed and created with the intention and tools to protect and serve its citizens natural liberties. However, to create a large government in support of this would be a counter-productive measure, for a large government is in its own nature, and that of the human condition, greedy. As it is made of people, government is a greedy monster filled with nothing but intent to accrue power, money, and wealth. A government of altruists must be instated— those who have none intention greater than the benefit of whom they serve, and whom they serve alone. The will of a government should seek to create new opportunities to free its people whenever it possibly can, instead of disassemble and destruct it for the benefit of its own manipulation over its lands and resources; a government is of the people, and should remain of the people, for the people. In that, the government can not be OF people, but a single person with the divine intent of being a benevolent ruler, lest the civil rights of many be destroyed in the process.

