by Max Barry

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by Kvland. . 1 reads.

Our Struggle

Our people have lived in Kvland for thousands of years. Our earliest ancestors arrived from mainland Eurasia via puffin-shaped gliders. Our people fell in love with the bird so much that it inspired us to take to the skies before any other group of people in the world! We arrived here on Kvland, an area formerly inhabited solely by puffins as a nesting ground. With no way to return to the main land, our ancestors settled the land here and created a faith, culture, and language based around our glorious puffins!

We lived in peace for thousands of years until an ethnic minority from a desert region on earth arrived via sail boats. Disgusted by our utopian society and ethnic homogeny, the invaders quickly grew to power through the might of usury and brainwashing linguistics. They would shame us by calling us bigots. They opened our borders and forced us to take in violent low-IQ criminals from the third world under the guise of “diversity is our strength.” They ruled over us for a hundred years and nearly drove our people extinct through mandatory abortion after two children, and forced interracial marriages for 25% of the population. They also controlled our government by funding a Marxist uprising against our royal family and drove them into hiding. They installed a direct democracy ruled by a false dichotomy of a two party system with lobbying being the main source of legislation proposal. This insured that no matter who won the election, the ethnic minority would always maintain power and control.

On May 9th, 2020, our secret military created by our banished monarchy stormed congress and took control. The ethnic minority in power were executed for treason. The rest were exiled to Madagascar. Non-Kvlandians were paid incentives to leave the country. Those of mixed Kvland and other backgrounds were permitted to stay as long as they respected our culture and married Kvland peoples only. May 9th has been declared our Independence Day, and will live on in our history as a holiday and a reminder to never let foreign invaders attempt to destroy our way of life! The Kingdom has been restored and we look towards the future with hope!

