by Max Barry

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by The Plague Spreading Nekos of Surainian. . 58 reads.

Operation bird brain

Step 1
Find out what universe Accipitridia is in
Step 2
travel to that universe and steal their pops
Step 3
take them back to our universe
Step 4
Bribe Shadow dealer to keep quiet
Step 5
(The following section was considered to bruetal for Accipitridia children)
Step 6
Add genes to Surainian soldiers
Step 7
Something involving the Third Soviet Union
Step 8
Invade Pokemon Waifus and reclaim are lost empire
Step 9
The surainion empire shall rise
Step 10
The invasion fails because they have rock types
Step eleven
Step 12
Random Sweaty fish ping
Step 13
We leader of surainion becomes depressed
Step 14
He takes a vacation to Jodilee
Step 15
He sees a flamingo and thinks not all hope is lost
Step 16
Jodilee reports a missing flamingo
