by Max Barry

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by Tirant. . 3 reads.

Minorities vs majority

tHe mIntroYES theY are less tHe commoN norMal ThInK most people probably have never seen one before WhEn ever ThE national guard is mobilized tO find a child mystroly a bunch of people of gothans or any one tHat gets in disappears ThENT NO bODY REMEMBErs doeS people mAn NO "brup" bodY but me and myself and I like theRE was ThiS Eon timE WerE ummmm hanging with MYgothAN buddy's ANd the next secOnD NaTIol graud See's IS nExt my you "brup" i'M liKE thus but MICH worse mAN and YM roBthin budYS were GeNE I haD no I idea WErE ThEY weREis were "Nationals guard machine gun fires" Shhhh
In the background "We code ribidivi. Drukei drukei due he needs to be corrected"
At the same "don't listen to a word this guy said cuz all of it is false that's all we're legally allowed to say

