by Max Barry

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by The Isles of Student Loan Debt. . 74 reads.

Kotovan the TV Show (Monster of the Week)

[hr][hr][size=150]Coming to CLOAK is the new show [i]Kotovan[/i]. Set in 1640s Kotovania, [i]Kotovan[/i] is based around a group of monster hunters that must traverse through the monster-ridden lands of Kotovania and put a stop to whatever force brought hell upon the nation. The series is rated TV-MA for mature audiences.[/size]

[center][size=150][u][b]From the Department of Sports Leagues, In Collaboration with the Office of Regional Cryptozoology[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[size=150]The DSA is hosting sessions of the table-top game [i]Monster of the Week[/i]. [i]Monster of the Week[/i] is a standalone action-horror RPG for 2-6 people. Players create characters to act as Hunters and investigate Mysteries in each session that we play. In each one, the players have to figure out who or what the Monster is and put a stop to them. Think of TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, or The X-Files. [/size]

[size=150]The game likes to take on the framing of being a TV show (since it is based on it) and each session is referred to as an "episode" and it has "seasons". The first season of our game will have around 9 or so sessions (episodes) and will be set in the DSA Capital during the 1600s when the region was called "Kotovania". Each episode will be posted on this dispatch like a TV episode review, giving a summary of what happened.[/size]

[size=150]If you would like to learn how to play this fun game, learn more either [url=][b]at their official website[/b][/url] or on the subreddit page [url=][b]r/monsteroftheweek[/b][/url]. You can also read the [url=][b]full Monster of the Week manual[/b][/url] that can tell you everytuing about playing and setting up mysteries.[/size]
[hr][hr][center][b][size=150]Map of Our Game[/size][/b]

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode I: Danse Macabre Part I[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[i]"When telling the story of our people, it is impossible to separate the truth from the myth. The year is 1642 CE. The trading kingdom of Kotovania in the Frimuniran Far West enjoys pleasures of wealth and protection. However, not all who live here enjoy either. Some work only to survive, that being all they can hope for. Some can do nothing else but die, and it is a life that the people have remained content with.[/i]

[i]In the late winter of 1642, Count Kotovan the 13th took his father's throne as the ruler of Kotovania, assuming power after the king fell ill. In the late spring, only a few months later, he lost it all. What happened seemingly overnight was what seemed like an invasion of dark forces. Monsters swept across the land and began to pillage, terrorize, and establish their own power. Many innocents have already perished, others have tried to fight back. However, not everyone is capable of fighting off the night and have chosen to flee. The kingdom's cities, some of the few remaining safe havens, have become overrun with refugees fleeing the night hordes. Others have tried to leave Kotovania all together. Ships leaving the ports are always packed with any poor soul desperate to survive, some packed with children abandoned by their parents who could only afford to save their child's life. "[/i]

The Hunters; Morgan Briggs the [b]Gumshoe[/b] ([nation]Bhexa[/nation]); Natasha the [b]Spell Slinger[/b] ([nation]Liossalde[/nation]); Mon the [b]Initiate [/b]([nation]Mon Silanies[/nation]); Arden Wood the [b]Spooky[/b]([nation]Veyoris[/nation]); and Adam the Cobbler the [b]Mundane [/b]([nation]Qingling[/nation]); were given a mission by the Sect, a secret and ancient organization. They arrived in the city of Bazlentas to investigate a series of murders where the victims are found drained of all their blood. With some confrontation with the stubborn police investigator, they investigated the scene. After one vision of well lit candles, another vision of a being walking up to and bending over the victim, as well as talking to the spirit of the victim, the gang settled in their rooms at the Midnight Stallion Inn with a jolly innkeeper. 

Natasha and Arden, failing to charm the police, watched as the police took the body away to the morgue. Morgan and Mon went to find food and booze and instead found a street urchin with some information. If they could find and retrieve a pendant from a gang of teenagers, the kid would give them information about last night. After stabbing and mugging the teenagers, they got the pendant and learned that the murderer has a limp and walks with the fog. In the morning, Adam the Cobbler wasn't feeling well and it wasn't made better by the police barging in, accusing the gang of stealing the body of George Risley, the murder victim. Saved by Isaac the Innkeeper from going to jail, Arden gets a vision of George Risley in the morgue rising and leaving the morgue and returning before sunrise. The gang decided to split up; one group goes to the morgue and the other searches the city. But not before meeting Isaac's greedy landlord, Simon Higate, who raised the rent and will come back the next day for the money.

Will the monster hunters figure out who or what murdered George Risley? How did George Risley walk out of the morgue if he was dead the day before? Will Mon find a bar that's open? All will be revealed next week on Kotovan

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode II: Danse Macabre Part II[/b][/u][/size][/center]

After seeing the vision of George Risely rising from his tomb, Morgan and Natasha go to the Bazlentas Morgue that houses the bodies of those going to the Potters Field. They meet the chief coroner and he denies them entry, fearing they are occultists trying to take bits of dead bodies and fearing Count Kotovan finding out he was interacting with Monster Hunters. Morgan gets help from one of his occultist contacts who works at the morgue and leaves the keys for them to go in after work. After sunset, they enter and feel an angry magical presence around George Risley's body. As Natasha goes in with her knife to try and dissect him, night comes and he awakes from his death. Fog pours from his mouth and puts Morgan to sleep but Natasha is immune. A battle ensues and Natasha kills the monster with fire, but not before coming close to death herself from the fire as well. They learn that the monster is a [b]Revenant[/b] and was likely turned into one by another. They go back to the Midnight Stallion Inn to rest.

Meanwhile, Mon, Adam, and Arden search for clues in the city. They find Abby Young, the wife of recently missing Adam Young and is searching for him after they were evicted from their tenant by their landlord Simon Higate. They go to his mansion and talk to him, but he is upset when they mention Adam Young and shut them out. Mon and Arden help Adam into the backyard over the spiked fence and he sneaks up to the balcony to learn more. Arden tries to climb over but a passerby catches them. Arden uses magic to make them forget what they saw. Adam sneaks into Higate's bedroom and finds a muddy shovel in his closet and hides in it when Higate walks upstairs to his room. Overhearing Higate talks about Adam Young to himself, Adam fails in sneaking out of the closet to hit Higate and chases him down stairs. Adam falls over the coffee table and Higate makes it to his carriage and flies out of his gate. Mon thought this would happen and climbed up a light post and jumped onto the carriage. He knocks out Higate and the 3 of them (after stripping him of his clothing and wearing it) take him back to the Midnight Stallion and interrogate him. He confesses that he accidentally killed Adam Young in a dispute after Adam was angry for being evicted and that he hired streets kids to bury the body on his nearby property.

Fogs rolls into the room with Adam and Higate falling asleep, Arden becoming drowsy, and Mon being immune. Morgan, in the nearby room, tries to help, but also falls asleep. Mon fires crossbows into the monster and Arden attacks him as well. After, Mon used his sword to decapitate the monster. Higate was woken up and told everyone that that was Adam Young's body. The gang decided to send the body off to the Sect, Arden got a cape from the market, Abby Young got to learn about her husband being dead, and the gang leave the city for their next adventure and to continue to free the land of monsters.

[center][size=200][u][b]Webisode I: Stream of Consciousness[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Our hunters were on their way to the town of Vernenfeld. However, Natasha and Arden departed from the group for Natasha to find items they had hidden in the Vernenfeld woods when they used to live on their own. As they traveled, Arden received a vision with images of fast moving water, glowing eyes, and a feeling of anger. Natasha felt something was watching them and Natasha shot an ice ball into the trees. It hit a monster with black skin and leather wings and red eyes that flew away. As they continued on, they found the Daudin River. The very fast moving water cut into the surround rock and made a big ravine that would be very dangerous to cross. They find an old stone bridge but were suspicious of it, finding it to be a very magical river and the area around the bridge to have been tampered with magically, corrupted in a way and feeling that there was some kind of spirit there that didn't want them to cross.

Feeling the corrupting outside magic done here, Natasha managed to lift the curse off of the bridge. The bridge glowed red and the red faded away as mist into the wind. Out of the water rose a creature made entirely of stone with glowing eyes. The stones began to fall apart into the water and underneath was a soft looking creature that is the water spirit of this river named Daudin. They thanked the Hunters for saving them and gave them one of the stones that covered them as a gift. Arden used magic to look into the past and saw a figure in a dark purple robe hold out an orb that shattered over the bridge and cursed the bridge, playing on the annoyance that Daudin had on the bridge and turning annoyance into anger.

Natasha and Arden crossed the bridge and destroyed it for Daudin who had tried many times before. Natasha shot ice balls at it while Arden recited a spell to make his hands grow large and start punching the bridge. He jumped down and punched the column supporting it and the whole bridge collapsed. However, the water wasn't good for Arden and hsi pants shrunk and fell apart, leaving him to have to cover his lower area with his cape. He climbed out of the ravine and the two hunters departed to arrived at Vernenfeld and meet up with the other hunters.

After the credits, the dark winged creature entered a private study to speak to their lord sitting in a chair in front of a fire. The creature told their lord that they saw Hunters travelling, that they have returned, leaving the lord to crush the arm of their armchair.

[center][size=200][u][b]Webisode II: Shadow of Their Work[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Our hunters were on their way to the town of Vernenfeld on a gloomy and drizzling day. However, Adam the Cobbler is lured off the path by a whispering voice and is followed by Mon and Morgan. They follow down an overgrown desire path and find a hamlet that seemed to have been attacked and burned down. The hunters start looking around the houses to salvage for supplies. The drizzle turns to a downpour and the dirt ground becomes muddy. Morgan looks at the center and sees the silhouette of a pile and goes to investigate, but Mon watches him in caution. Mon sees a hand rise out of the mud and he tells Morgan to get out of the mud. Morgan gets to the middle and sees the hand turn into an arm and a head rise out as well: a muddy face with missing eyes and a screeching scream. He turns and sees the pile is a stack of burned and ashy dead bodies, maybe 15 or so. He is able to fight off the monster and the other hunters are also attacked and fight off other monsters all while facing the mud and almost being pulled under.

Mon empathically connected with the monsters and felt anger in them but a lot more fear. He opens his Tome of Lore and finds that these are called Mud Wraiths, spirits of people who died in stressful and traumatic ways while in the mud. The group learns of 3 ways to defeat them and they choose to perform an exorcism that needs a circle, salt, and a special incantation. Adam searches for salt while Mon and Morgan draw the circle, Morgan almost being dragged under the mud by a mud wraith. Adam runs over with a box full of salt but is knocked over by a mud wraith and spills the box. Mon is able to save the content but struggles to open his Tome again while Morgan and Adam protect him. Adam is pulled into the mud and pulled under but breaks free. Mon recites the incantation and the circle glows and catches fire. The mud wraiths shake and their mud falls off to reveal their ghostly auras as they elevate up to the sky at peace. 

The fire catches Mon and Adam pushes him into the mud to put it out, falling onto the salt box himself. The group then continues to search around. Adam finds a cape that is enchanted to, one time, fly onto and bind a victim of his choice. Morgan finds food and coin. Mon finds a diseased dildo and decides to keep it after putting it in a glass container. That night they camp out in one of the hamlet buildings, telling stories and Mon makes them dream of phallic objects after talking about his dildo. The next day they wash off in a nearby creek and Mon enchants his dildo and it becomes a magic infectious weapon. They return to the main path and continue on their way to Vernenfeld.

After the credits, a dark and winged creature flies over them and sees them and continues on, flying towards the bay.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode III: Belief In A Darker Power[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Our hunters arrive in Vernenfeld, a small lumber town home to the Abbey of Saint Asteroth. Many refugees have arrived here seeking to join the Abbey and be protected from the monster hordes. Mon's necklace, with a small crystal skull hanging from it, glows and begins talking. It is the Sect telling Mon that their contacts have been disappearing across the nation and that Mon needs to stab whoever is doing it in the neck. Arden also gets a premonition with images of a robed figure with a knife, people arguing, and an animal crying. The Hunters arrive and check into their inn The Veiled Lady. Morgan tries to get in contact with one of his contacts that is the local police, an Almoner named Brother Ozul and goes to the Abbey, being greeted by the sacristan Brother Malik. He tells the hunters that Ozul is in town likely helping the refugees. 

While the rest of the hunters go to town to shop, Mon asks for a map of the local area and cannot find any reference to the nearby attacked hamlet. A young monk tells him to ask Prior Nodin about "Moon Creek" and he finds the Prior and travels to his study to talk. Mon tells him about the hamlet and learns that Prior Nodin ordered the attack since the hamlet was inhabited by witches. Recognizing that Mon and his group are Hunters, which he is fine with and supports despite the mass execution of hunters, he asks if they can help solve why monks around the nation have been disappearing and what killed one of the monks at his abbey.

The other hunters travel to a tailor for Arden to find new pants and, after flirting with the tailor, are asked to leave. They find a crowd gathered near the abbey and find the dead monk. Morgan can tell it was a large creature that killed the monk and finds footprints going into the woods. Mon rejoins and they travel to the woods, Mon hearing a rhythmic humming and follows it to a small cottage in a clearing. Inside is a witch who identifies herself as a Spooky when she sees Arden and can tell he is one as well who also share the same deity for their power. She invites them in and they ask her for help. She is willing to tell them about the creature and how to stop it if they are able to save an animal for her that was imported to the town to be eaten.

While Arden and Morgan go off to find more about the monster, Adam and Mon go to rescue the animal. They find the poacher and, after failing to negotiate, Mon stabs him and he gives them the creature. It is a fairy bunny that bonds with Mon and is named Pipkin. Adam takes Pipkin's two parents, who died before they arrived and they go back to the witch's cottage. Arden and Morgan go to the Abbey trying to find the dead monk. While turned away by Brother Malik, Brother Ozul arrives and helps them, recognizing that hunters would be useful in figuring this out. They arrive in the abbey basement and find the dead monk. Arden takes out the monk's eyeball and uses magic to see what he saw before dying. 

The monk heard thunderous sounds behind him but didn't see anything when he looked. He was then attacked and died. After, Arden and Morgan then encounter the creature in the basement and Morgan is killed. Arden traps the monster and uses his Sight to see the invisible creature that is a black bear with big teeth and claws and constantly shifting fur. The abbey monks come down and see only Arden and a dead Morgan and say he must be the murderer and chase him out, putting the Abbey on high alert. The witch could feel that Morgan died and began clearing her living room. Arden arrives and helps everyone in drawing a magic circle and preparing a ritual. The witch done a 5-eyed mask and lights a fire. In the middle is the floating spirit of Morgan. They find out that the creature is called a Shade Bear. It kills people and feeds on their souls for nourishment and health. If they kill the bear, all the souls who are not eaten can return to their bodies. If they don't kill the bear soon, though, then Morgan's soul will be eaten and he will cease to exist and not move on to the afterlife. The only tool that can killed the bear is a blessed knife in Abbot Renwick's study. 

The gang return to the abbey that is fully illuminated and is being patrolled by abbey laybrothers. Adam stays in hiding to help in case a fight breaks out. Mon sneaks through the back and gets to the Abbot's study. He breaks in but cannot find the weapon. Arden uses magic to see that the Shade Bear is approaching the Abbey and will bust down the front door soon. He jinxes the monster to trip it and it lets out a roar. Morgan flies into the Abbey and finds the monks arguing. Prior Nodin and his faction argue that Jeb! cannot be relied on to protect them and that Jeb! has given them the tools to carry out his will and fight evil to make a better world. Abbot Renwick and his faction argue that Jeb! protects all those who are righteous and only those who are sinful will be struck down, saying the Abbey would only be attacked through divine punishment as result of Prior Nodin's actions of bringing magic into the Abbey and carrying out violent acts. The monks hear the Shade Bear's roar and Brother Malik goes to unlock the front doors, siding with Abbot Renwick. 

Arden is then visited by Carnwall, the supernatural being that gave him his powers.He wages a dark bargain with Arden; find a special book in the Abbey library and destroy it. In return, Carnwall will help the group find the weapon. Arden accepts and breaks into the Abbey library. He finds the book and discovers that it is a grimoire with many beneficial spells but also a few bad ones. He hesitates but destroys the grimoire. As result, Mon finds where the blessed knife is. As the bear approaches, Adam goes and attacks the bear, almost dying in the process. Mon strengthens his legs and jumps through the office window to the front doors. He stabs the bear and deals major damage. Morgan joins in an attacks from the ghostly plains.  Arden is able to halt the bear in place and Morgan manages to take the knife and kill the bear. Its invisibility fades away and blood from slicing its neck sprays everywhere and the bear dies. 

The following day, Brother Ozul takes the hunters to the abbey to meet with the newly appointed Abbot Nodin. He thanks them for saving the abbey and says he will put in a good word about them to the other abbeys and monasteries. While asked to stop hunting witches, Nodin says that cannot stop and they must carry out Jeb!'s will. The hunters then leave Vernenfeld and go off to their next adventure.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode IV: The Children's Passover[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Morgan, Natasha, Mon, and Arden arrive at the great city of Socavija, largest and most well protected in the nation. It is a wealthy city and the most popular place for refugees fleeing the night hordes. When they arrive at the gate, they meet a small man who tells them that they are requested for a local case about missing children. They accept and are brought to a bar where they meet Isaac Summers, the man in charge of the investigation about the missing children and an old friend to Morgan. On the way there, Arden gets a vision of a dark basement and seeing a person suspended from chains mouthing something to them. When they find Isaac, he says he has run out of leads and asks for their help, which they accept. He tells them that the kids are between 8 and 16 and disappear every month. Morgan stays to catch up with him and drink while the others go to the house of the last kidnapping. While walking there, Natasha finds the Institute For The Friendless, a large orphanage that she grew up in. They see a woman waving goodbye to a carriage driving away from the orphanage and they go to talk to her. She is Helena Norwood, the owner of the Institute. After asking her about the missing children, she recognizes Natasha and they bicker about Natasha being unruly and Helena being abusing and suppressing her magic studies. 

Mon receives a call on his crystal skull necklace and the Sect is worried about the children disappearing and ask that Mon cut off one of the missing children's fingers so they can study it. The group leave the orphanage and talk to a homeless old man who, after a small donation, tells them about there being a cloaked figure who jumps over the tall orphanage fence a few nights a week and will likely return tonight. The hunters then go to the last kidnapping spot where meet a couple who tell of their adoptive son, Elric, who went missing. Arden and Natasha use their powers to relive the night Elric disappeared and find that he was being puppeted by some magic user and drawn into a carriage.

Sunset comes and Natasha goes back to the bar to tell Isaac about what they found, where she finds a very drunk pair of Isaac and Morgan who get thrown out of the bar. The 3 of them find an inn and book a room to sleep in. Meanwhile, Mon and Arden wait outside the orphanage at night and see the cloaked figure get over the fence. They both follow and see them climbing the wall and trying to get into a 3rd story window. Arden bars the window from the figure and Mon shoots a crossbow arrow next to the figure. The figure falls from the 3rd story and lands in a bush and the two of them see it is a teenage boy who is very scared by them. They ask him why he was trying to get in and why sneak in late at night. The boy's friend climbs down and tries to protect him. The cloaked boy is named Colin and the friend is named Connor. They tell the hunters about Elric being adopted from here a few months ago and having talks with Helena. They also say that Helena's sister visits every month and usually adopts a kid. The hunters see the boys are scared and holding hands close and decide to back off. The two of them find bushes to sleep in and go to sleep.

Natasha wakes up and Morgan and Isaac wake up shirtless, hung over, and fighting. Natasha tries to see where her friends are with magic but messes it up and ends up waking up Mon with the failed spell. They then leave the inn to try and find them. Mon and Arden wake up to find some of their stuff is gone, including Mon's enchanted glass dildo. They interrogate the homeless man they met and believe he took it. During this, Arden sees a carriage parked outside the orphanage and uses his magic to hear Helena talking to someone. Then the unknown person is seen walking to their carriage from a distance and Arden tries to use his magic to see them up close, but fails and alerts the person. They drive away in their carriage and Mon uses his magic rituals to allow him to run fast after the carriage. He feels something in his leg holding him back but continues on and Arden uses magic to stop the carriage at the city gate. It stops suddenly and Mon slams into the back of it. The carriage rider gets on a horse and rides away. Natasha and Morgan find them and pursue after the mysterious person.

They travel and find a cottage in the woods with the horse that was used by the mysterious person. They go inside and find secret compartments in the walls all over full of jars of blood. They find a magic lock and use their blood to open it. It is a dark basement with walls lined with jars of blood of a different shade of red and they find a person hanging from chains, a cage with small people in it, and a furnace with body parts surrounding it. They all realize that this basement is where children are kept. The suspended person murmurs "help me" and they realize it is Elric. Mon gets a gut feeling not to go forward and remembers a divination that warned of this place and pulls Arden back. A ringing is heard and powder falls from the ceiling, giving everyone except Mon and Arden hallucinations of their worse fears. Natasha is alone in the room and it is being flooded with arachnids and Morgan is alone in the room and sees his dead body again. Mon gets a suspicion and decides to pour the new blood into his friend's eyes. Not only does it remove the powder but also makes them feel great. 

Arden uses his magic to free Elric and remove the powder from him, but it ends up in Arden's eyes and he hallucinates a person who is skinned and has skin trailing behind them, blaming Arden for making them be this. Natasha removes the powder and ends his hallucination. The witch was then heard coming into the house to try and find the hunters. However, Carnwall appeared and offered Arden a bargain; let Elric die and he can get the hunters out of the basement. Arden accepted it and the group was teleported out. The witch came back outside and, before she could talk, she took a shotgun to the chest. However, her blood rose in the air and shot back at him. She came out and cut her arms to create swords from her blood and prepared to fight. After much attacks with blood bending and blows back, she almost died, but not before her finale. A flood of blood erupted from her house and swelled around her to form a large body of armor around her. She created a larger sword and began to fight. Mon used his tome of lore to learn that the way to defeat a blood witch is to destroy the blood she is using to keep herself healthy and young and he went to destroy it. Arden remembered that blood can dry out and Natasha used magic to allow her to blow more air and dry up much of the armor and reduce the witch's size. 

Once Mon was at the last jar, she pleaded and bargained with him not to destroy it but he did. Decades of avoiding death caught up with her as she blackened and decayed into dust and blew into the woods. The group rescued the surviving children and went back to town. When they arrived, Connor ran up and begged for their help. Colin's uncle found the two kissing in Colin's room and the uncle began to beat his nephew while Connor escaped. Connor is scared that Colin will be beaten to death and so Mon and Arden go to save him. Natasha returns to the Institute For The Friendless to talk with the kids there and talks with Helena. Helena reveals she knew her sister was a witch and would kidnap children to use their blood to stay younger. She was scared of her sister and couldn't fight back. She tells Natasha that she used to be a mother before her daughter died and Natasha reminded her of her daughtered. She knew Natasha was special with her early magic powers and tried to suppress them and hide her so her sister wouldn't find Natasha and kill her brutally. 

Morgan tells Isaac everything that happened and Isaac tells him to come to the watchman building with him for a reward as result of stopping the kidnappings. Meanwhile, Mon and Arden follow Connor to Colin's house where they find him tied to a tree and being whipped by a hairy beast. It condemns Colin for his same-sex actions and considers it corruption from Colin's mother that was a witch. The hunters attack it and find that its a werewolf. They fight and Colin is freed and kissed by Connor, whom the werewolf blames for "corrupting" his nephew, revealing that the werewolf is the uncle and that Colin is part werewolf and part witch. Arden restricts the uncle and Colins pleads that they don't kill his last remaining family for his uncle's ignorance. Colin and Connor plan to runaway so they can live together.

The uncle breaks free and attacks the hunters but is restricted again. Colin and Connor leave and the hunters kill his uncle. Unsure what to do with the body, Arden summons Carnwall to consider a deal, who is impressed by his growing magic abilities. Scared by Carnwall's mysterious request to smash a porcelain shepherd doll in a nearby town in return for him hiding the body, Ardens elected instead to try and sneak it back to the hunters' wagon by hiding it in his clothes and walking with it. 

In a post credits scene, Mon finds the homeless man that was crippled is able to walk again as result of the magic dildo and tries to runaway with it but Mon gets it back through magically fingering himself and crippling the old man once again. He cleans it off with alcohol from a nearby bar. 

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode V: Hocus Pocus Part 1[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Isaac brings Morgan to the Socavija watchmen office he operates in and Natasha comes as well. He rewards them for stopping the kidnappings with 5,000 gold and reveals that this was personal to him due to his daughter being kidnapped decades prior. Morgan decides to look through the watchmen files to find anything on Natasha and Elric, finding the missing person report on Elric but nothing on Natasha. Everyone returns to the team wagon and travel away, watching 3 monsters approach the Socavija gate and get shot down by city guards. While traveling, Mon decides to stop and perform a ritual on the werewolf body he took with him in a nearby field. Conducting a ritual to revert the body back to werewolf form to skin it for clothing, something went wrong and instead gave Mon the ability to shift into a wolf. The group then decided to loot the body of nails, teeth, blood, and eyes and bury the body in the field.

While traveling, they witness a child cross their path and disappear midair. Arden gets a vision of a rainy day and seeing a person having their throat cut open and fall due to a person behind them. Mon gets a call from the Sect and they ask him to find some dark contraband that may be passing through this mysterious area that the Sect has been trying to study. Arden discovers there is a gate and glamour magic being used to disguise whatever is here. They enter and find a stone path leading to a town and the path surrounded by tents. Natasha asks what is happening and learns that this place is called Silver Grass and is serving as a haven for refugee witches that are being blamed for the monster attacks on the land. They continue on and find this living city with people flying on brooks, kids summoning their familiars for the first time, large animals carrying people (and annoying them), and seeing a developed and bustling town. 

The gang decide to go shopping at the Noir Bazaar to find cool things. At the pet store Familiar Familiars, Arden buys a ghost kitty. At the armory Fire Garden, Morgan buys an upgrade to his musket, Mon buys a razor whip and a handle for his glass dildo and sells his crossbow, and Arden buys throwing knives, 4 of which he gives to Mon. At a clothing store Beyond The Veils, Mon buys a red sweater for Pipkin. At the potion shop Pepper's Potions, Natasha buys a Weird potion and refills her consumables. However, she scares the shop owner with talks of necromancy, which is an illegal practice. At the pet store, trying to find any special items not for public sale, they are told of a shop called the Daisy Girl where they throw a coin in a well and say "Daisy Girl" to enter. Everyone but Mon goes to find this store and they do so and a door on a nearby building opens into a dark room. They enter the Daisy Girl and find all sorts of mystical but dark objects and find the shop owner to be a grey skinned and naked woman. From her, Morgan buys a Jinux which is a kitten feline predator that can help the hunters fight. Arden buys a Belinda's Caution which allows him to see into the immediate future. Natasha bought a Corujean Jellyfish that can heal the hunters. 

A weapon called the Morgenstern Whip caught Morgan's eye but he was unable to buy it. He tried to steal it but things did not turn out well. The store doors locked and the owner summoned her familiars, smoke eels, to attack. Adam ran to the backroom and escaped out the top. Morgan went into the backroom and tried to attack the following smoke eels with the whip. However, it hit a small captured demon and caused an explosion that drew the attention of outsiders. Arden and Natasha fought the witch and her eels. Arden heard banging on the door and opened it and in came the local watchmen who arrested them as well as the witch and Morgan for dealing with black market products.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode VI: Hocus Pocus Part II[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Arden, Natasha, and Morgan are taken to Silver Grass Jail for dealing with black market material. Morgan spats off with the bulky red beard officer on the other side while Cornelia Graves, the chief of the watchmen, enters. Morgan asks for a lawyer and she signs a paper. After, a lawyer poofs into the room in a puff of smoke. He uses his lawyer skills to exploit a Silver Grass law where, if they help solve a recent case, they can get their jail sentence revoked. She reluctantly lets the hunters go from their cell while Natasha wakes up and also is freed. Another hunter, Moth [b]the Wronged[/b] [nation]United Syndicates of Sol[/nation], asks for the same deal and the lawyer gets Cornelia to do the same.

Moth joins the group and they are taken to a nearby table. Cornelia shows them a list of witches that have gone missing and some who have been founded dead after having gone missing, most having their throats slit. One witch named Vanessa Krauss claims to have been attacked by this force and remains alive. Moth gets a gut feeling that Vanessa and Aaron Fang, the last kidnapping victim who disappeared earlier that day, are the best ones to look into. The hunters get outside and find Mon and Pipkin who spent the day looking around and learning about the black market raid. Moth, Natasha, and Arden split to go to the Blossoming Lily, the brothel that Aaron Fang worked at. Mon and Morgan go to see Vanessa at her house in the swamp lands.

At the busy Blossoming Lily, the gang finds Nova Malum, the owner of the brothel, who points them in the direction of the last person to see Aaron Fang, who was a very friendly guy and the most sought after worker. Arden and Natasha study the magic in the brothel and find it flooded with sex magic used by the workers. Arden goes downstairs to try and learn more about Aaron. He meets one of his coworkers, Clover Dupree, who talks about him and points Arden to Samson Reynolds, a brothel worker who confused Arden for a customer, for more. Telling him about the investigation, Arden convinces Samson to take him to Aaron's apartment to learn more. Natasha and Moth go to the third floor that has many rooms with workers using sex magic on their customers. They find the room of Magnolia Vexx, the last person to see Aaron Fang, and they wait for her to finish with her client. When the client walks out, they talk with her and learn that the guy who led Aaron away from the brothel was a large man with a top hat and went to the right from the front door. Moth gets the feeling they went to the forest if they went that direction from the door and they go down. Natasha feels manipulation magic occurred her and that Aaron may have been hypnotized to follow. 

Mon and Morgan head to the swamp lands and find an old shack that has Vanessa Krauss in it. She speaks in an odd and mysterious manner and tells about how a female monster that felt familiar and close to her used magic to try and take her away but she escaped. Vanessa turned and reveals half of her head is gone and there is a yellow-glowing hole where it used to be with moths coming out of it. Mystic fortunes had Mon realize an attack was about to happen when he feels stomps coming from outside. The door is broken through and flies across the room at Vanessa, who vanishes in a cloud of moths. A creature with glowing and smoking green eyes roars in. The hunters sneak out through the back and see it destroy the house. Mon opens his lore tome and finds very little on the creature besides a footnote calling it a Lenorak. Morgan shoots a crossbow at it but misses and the Lenorak spots them and charges to fight. They see it as a giant creature with huge spikes on it back and elbows and very long and sharp teeth.

Fighting ensues and Mon manages to blind it by throwing throwing knives into its eyes. They bind the creature with the chain, cut open the head, and shoot the brain with the crossbow. They try to push it back but its too heavy and the spikes hurt them. Mon then conducts a ritual and turns himself into a wolf to go back into town to tell someone. However, he learns that witches are very scared of wolves and a group of them start fighting him. He flees to the woods and kills a squirrel, with killing being required to transform back. He walks out naked and tries to talk with them and admits to being a wolf but not by choice. Seeing a wolf inside Silver Grass borders, it flee into the woods and a naked guy emerging from the woods and admitting he can turn into a wolf is enough for them to call him a werewolf and keep fighting. Mon flees again into the woods.

Arden and Samson Reynolds arrive at Aaron Fang's apartment and Arden learns that Samson and Aaron broke up the day before this. Going in, Arden uses his magic to see that a large man in a top hat lures Aaron away and into the woods to a clearing with a ranch and a manson. The two of them head there. Meanwhile, Natasha and Moth also head there and find a witch in a cloak drinking tea in the trees with owls. They try and get her to tell them what she has seen but don't manage to do so and keep going. They arrive at the clearing and go to the ranch. Natasha tries to investigate when they see it but fails and then feels a stabbing pain in her hip. When they arrive at the ranch's old abandoned barn, they feel a dark and necromantic energy and open the doors.

Arden and Samon travel along and find the same owl girl who tells them about a mansion down the road on the condition that Arden gets his ghost cat away from her as soon as he can. The two of them find it and see it is abandoned and old but can feel a magical energy in it. They go in. Meanwhile, the Lenorak keeps coming back to life and breaking the chains more until it eventually breaks free and kidnaps Morgan who drops his bow in the process. Mon returns and finds both him and the Lenorak gone and guesses they went into the woods.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode VII: Hocus Pocus Part III[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Arden, his ghost cat Sir Pounce-A-Lot, and Samson enter the mansion and proceed up the stairs and to the left, Arden seeing a green energy flying around the mansion. They walk down a long hallway and find they returned to the foyer. They continue on and find that the hallways and rooms keep changing around them. Arden finds a dead body in one room and turns around to see Samson and Sir Pounce-A-Lot are gone and the room is different. He uses his magical abilities to illuminate a path to where he needs to go and arrives at an attic. The trail ends in a pile of objects and he begins to clear it out and finds a chest. When he does, Samson and Sir Pounce-A-Lot find the attic, too. They pull the chest out and Arden tries to use magic to open the lock but fails. In his frustration, he feels a sudden urge come on and kisses Samson, who returns the kiss back. They stop and then use magic to open the lock. Inside is a beating heart. Arden takes it and a nearby window turns into a door that leads out to the front porch of the mansion.

Moth and Natasha enter the barn and see the dead bodies of the kidnapping victims hanging from the ceiling with their necks sliced open. In a gross circle in the middle is Aaron Fang's body also with a sliced neck. Moth notices a tripwire and the two of the avoid it while heading to the back. They find footprints going to the woods and they follow. Meanwhile, Morgan is taken by the Lenorak to a cemetery with a large chasm in the middle. There is a circle where a ritual is about to begin. A person approaches and Morgan finds that it is Gallen Redwood, the bulky red beard officer from the Silver Grass jail. Morgan convinces him to let him pet his familiar, a black frog with yellow stripes, to which Morgan becomes poisoned. He proceeds to conduct the ritual and the circle glows. Moth and Natasha arrive at the cemetery and alert a nearby Lenorak that was killing witches. They start to fight it while another approaches and they both wage battle with them. 

Mon follows the trail left by Morgan's Lenorak kidnapper and sees the ritual being done. He sneaks down and watches. Arden and Samson go around to the barn at the ranch and find the horrific scene. Arden sees Aaron's body and gets a vision where he seen Gallen kill him earlier. Samson sees Aaron's body and runs to it, accidentally setting off the tripwire. The circle erupts in light and Aaron's body is transformed into a Lenorak. In the fight, Arden uses magic to trap it but accidentally flings Samson into the Lenorak's legs. Continuing to fight, he decapitates the monster. It begins to fall and he gets Samson out of the way before the body falls onto Arden. Samson pulls him out and asks if he's okay, flirting with him in the process. They kiss passionately.

Morgan frees himself from the Lenorak and tries to get into the circle, but fails. Mon also tries by going incorporeal but fails. The Lenorak begins attacking them both. Morgan figures out that he can using his recording mirror to temporarily open the circle and Mon slips in with the mirror shattering and Morgan being him by the Lenorak. Mon wraps Gallen in a chain and the ritual begins dying down. A shadow tentacles erupts from Gallen's mouth and hits Mon and begins trying to free him from the chains. Mon stabs him in the neck and he cries out. All the Lenoraks in the area come rushing to his aide. Moth stabs one and rides it down into the chasm, going to help her allies, while Natasha realizes that Gallen is trying to raise an army of undead witches. However, the ritual completes.

Blue light erupts from the circle and orbs begin floating down onto the graves. Out from the graves rises the bodies of long dead witches with glowing green eyes, all under Gallen's control. 

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode VIII: Hocus Pocus Part IV[/b][/u][/size][/center]

Before the witches and Lenoraks could descend onto the hunters, dirt protrusions rose up and dragged the hunters underground and they resurfaced in a castle courtyard: Dewmire Palace. Inside they find Cornelia Graves summoned them and a woman in gold sits behind her. The two bicker over if the group is a prophesized "Helion Coven" or not and Cornelia interrogate the hunters as to why there is a werewolf report and why their presence was felt around a center of dark magic. Morgan explains the situation and the group learns that Lenoraks are a feared and secret creature that is immune to all magical attacks. 

Arden and Samson arrive back in town and tested for if they are werewolves or not. Samson brings Arden back to his apartment and the two have a passionate affair together. Conducting sex magic on Arden, Arden receives a vision of an undead witch exploding the evidence locker room of the Silver Grass Jail. He chooses to leave the apartment to stop this and he hears a roar, as does everyone else in Silver Grass. At the Palace, a guard storms in and reports an invasion. Natasha ascends the walls and sees Gallen Redwood's army of the undead and Lenoraks at the city outskirts. Silver Grass forces are sent out to confront them. Cornelia confronts the group and tells them that the army is likely under Gallen's control and that killing him would likely end the invasion. Mon transforms into a wolf to go find Arden, Natasha begins to construct a barrier wall of roots, and Moth and Morgan set up traps.

Arden tries to get across town while avoiding undead witches. He breaks into the Silver Grass jail and evidence locker. He finds his materials that were taken and sees the undead witch that was going to attack. He jinxes her and sends her back outside. He tries to run but is slammed to the ground by Mon in wolf form. Mon takes him back to the Palace and Arden climbs through the root wall with Natasha's assistance, bringing Natasha's jellyfish and Morgan's jinux with him. Moth and Morgan go off to also get more supplies from the evidence locker. Cornelia sees Arden with the heart he got from the mansion and deduces that it belongs to Gallen. Arden takes a throwing knife and stabs it. The ground around them turns black and Gallen rises out from it. He flings a shadow ball at Natasha which catches her teeth supply instead, which turn complete black. Mon smells Gallen and joins the fight.

He takes Cornelia hostage and demands the heart back. Arden doesn't comply and Gallen drops Edana's Game powder into Cornelia's eyes. He shoots a shadow ball at Arden but is jinxed and misses and falls into one of Morgan's traps. Natasha guides her jellyfish to heal Arden and Mon goes to save Cornelia. Arden flings one of the teeth at Gallen and he is consumed in a shadowy force. The group investigate this shadow prison Gallen created. He manages to break free and blows Edana's Game powder into their faces. Arden has it blow back in his face and hit him. However, it also goes into Mon's and Natasha's eyes, who hallucinate being crushed and seeing their friends turn into giant spiders. Arden takes the wolf blood he drained from Colin's uncle and pours it into the eyes of his allies, which works at ending the hallucinations. A Lenorak breaks through the root wall and Natasha hides. Arden tries to help Natasha and the Lenorak almost stabs him.

Morgan makes it across town, watching as buildings are destroyed and witches are slaughtered. He finds an undead witch inside the watchmen station, which he knocks unconscious. He then gathers many weapons, including his whip. He comes back to the palace when the Lenorak breaks through and tries to attack it but doesn't draw its attention. It attacks and misses Arden and Mon is impaled on its back when trying to attack it. Arden stabs the heart again and Gallen shoots a shadow ball at Morgan, which he dodges. Natasha casts magic on the heart, banishing the curse, which flies back into Gallen's body. He tries to limp away but is trapped in the root wall and Arden is stabbed by the Lenorak. Mon launched at Gallen and ripped his throat out, killing him. All the Lenoraks lost their green eyes and all the undead witches dropped and stopped attacking. The Lenoraks continue attacking, however, due to how they were being attacked. While Natasha tried to communicate with the one they were attacking, Cornelia came in an decapitated it.

The hunters help the town fight back the remaining Lenoraks who continue their attack. In the morning, the hunters explore the city, seeing the many buildings that were destroyed, witches slaughtered, zombie witch bodies being burned, and Lenorak bodies being dragged away (but not before Natasha and loot teeth from one). They are brought back to the palace to a throne room where Cornelia and the golden woman thank them for saving Silver Grass. Cornelia grants them their confiscated supplies and, when asked, the golden woman says she is Camille Blackwood, sister of the Twilight Grove Coven. Cornelia tells the group that their oracle believes that the Kotovania monarchy and Gallen Redwood were connected and Camille compliments the hunters and calls them the "Hélion Coven". An old oracle, Hélion Cleffort, predicted a specific group of people would join forces to create the Hélion Coven (named after his prediction) that plays into a prophecy. 

Mon gets a watchmen report from Cornelia about the black market raid saying he wanted to find more black markets but actually plans to give it to The Sect. Arden asked Samson to join him on their adventures while Samson wanted Arden to live with him in Silver Grass. With consideration, Samson chose to join the hunters after saying his goodbyes. The group leaves and feels luck returning to them. They find their wagon was raided but see a lavish vardo and new horses behind it as a gift from Cornelia, expecting their wagon to be raided while they were gone. Most of the group sleeps while one guides the wagon away from Silver Grass. 

After the credits, the scene opens up on a private study. Sitting in a chair in front of a fire sits a man. From the door of the study arrives a woman in a black dress. She recounts how Gallen Redwood and Blair Jennings failed to uphold a "contract" and she seeks to make one with the man in the chair. He turns to her and asks for her earliest memory.

[center][size=200][u][b]Webisode III: Silent In The Trees[/b][/u][/size][/center]

While traveling along a path, the group realized that they didn't have any food and should get some. They came across a crossroads that said it led to the village of Dungate and so they followed. While going through, they found a village in ruins. Everyone there was slaughtered and mutilated. Investigating, the group presumed that these were animal attacks but too wild to be from regular animals. Many footprints went into the surrounding woods and some along the path that led to Dungate. Mon transformed into a wolf and ran ahead while Morgan and Natasha caught up with the vardo. 

When Mon arrived, the village was quiet but intact. He smelled something odd and it went to a nearby house that he tried to get into. A man opened the door and was horrified to find a wolf. He tried to fight Mon off with a broom and soon a rifle. The other two caught up and Morgan tried to calm the man by telling him that the wolf was their human friend. However, that made the man want to kill Mon more because that sounds like a werewolf. Natasha magically quickly grabbed the gun from him and he ran away screaming they were witches. 

Morgan and Natasha went to an inn and tried to woo the inn keeper for a room, which she gave but Morgan had to work around the inn in the morning. Mon slept by the vardo and, when he awoke, smelled something odd that smelled like the victims from the other village. He tried to wake Natasha through his barking but it didn't work. Morgan got her up by touching her foot, which she hated. When Natasha left the inn, she saw a crowd of people hurrying to one side of town. She went on to investigate. Mon followed but through the nearby woods. They both found a dead body near the edge of the woods that had a crowd gathered around it. The local priest was investigating and Natasha lied about being the victim's cousin to get close to the body. The victim was killed in a similar way to the nearby village. 

During this, Mon got a call on his crystal skull by the Sect. He couldn't respond since he was a wolf and the Sect assumed he died and launched a self-destruction of the crystal skull. The explosion made a large hole in the ground and scared away the crowd and priest. During this, Natasha collected teeth from the victim and went into the woods. Finding each other, Mon and Natasha went further in and spotted a deer. Investigating, they found it's mind to be very peaceful but its body to be covered in many different scars. Then, suddenly, it shifted into an aggressive and monstrous deer with many sharp antlers and teeth. Natasha tried to banish a curse from it which made it no longer aggressive but now in horrible pain.

Morgan finished his work and saw the crowd running away. He went in the other direction and found the now toothless murder victim. He kept going and found Natasha and Mon. Feeling some kind of presence watching them and putting together what they know, they deduced that they were dealing with a leshy: a forest god. Returning to Dungate, they met a small kid who was super excited when he learned they were monster hunters, thinking they're so cool. The group went to the local church and met the priest who told them about how all the other villages nearby have been under attack and cleared out by the monstrous animals. The church had a library and so the group looked through the books and found a ritual to put a leshy to sleep requiring a metal coffin and blessed dirt. When asking the priest about this, he dismissed the idea that there was a leshy and considered this to just be a test from Jeb!. He also told them about the man who saw the latest victim die.

The group went to a nearby blacksmith to try and get a metal coffin made for the ritual. After, Natasha and Morgan went to see the man who saw the attack while Mon went to eat at a local bakery. The man seemed shaken by the attack and described it, saying they saw a large figure in the distance and he saw a monstrous deer attack his friend. While describing this, a man ran by saying there's been another attack. Natasha went to check it out and found that the small kid from earlier was killed while playing near the woods. The group went back to the blacksmith and told him about the leshy and convinced him to help them them and make the coffin. They also convinced the priest to help them get a lot of dirt to bless. 

The next day they got everything they needed and went off to the woods. While getting their supplies, a group of armed men passed by to go into the woods and told them that the kid's whole family near the woods were attacked. As they went deeper, the leaves of the trees blocked more and more light until there was pitch blackness. They found the hole made by the crystal skull and put the coffin in. Then, suddenly, the whole forest erupted in animal screams. One of the armed men walked around and said his whole group died. The leshy walked up behind him and ripped off his head. Corrupted animals attacked the group and kept preventing them from performing a lullaby needed to put the leshy to sleep. However, Morgan managed to sing it and lured the leshy to sleep in the coffin. Mon and Morgan sealed him and covered the coffin in dirt while Natasha fended off the remaining animals. Once fully burred, the forest grew in light again and the animals reverted back to their original forms. 

The hunters returned to Dungate and were thanked by the priest and ate from the bakery. They woke up Arden and had him take them away from the village and back onto the main trail.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode IX: Till Death Do Us Part[/b][/u][/size][/center]

The group of hunters arrive at the large town of Ostoncroft, passing between graveyards and town walls to the gate. At the gate, the hunters face their greatest threat yet: the most adorable dog they had ever seen in their lives. Morgan couldn't resist petting it while Mon managed to get past the dog, but hurt the dog's feelings in the process. He and pipkin explored the town and found a bathhouse where they bathed. There, he learned about how the town recently burned a witch. Morgan later walked with the dog and his jinux, Ishtar, to the bathhouse as well where he did a cannonball in the pool. The two hunters would leave and check in to the local inn, the Sloppy Stone. 

In the morning, Mon got a letter. When he opened it, it transformed into a paper mouth. His Sect contact, Dexter, spoke through it and was glad to find that Mon was still alive. The Sect gave him an assignment to desecrate the most beautiful grave in the town for a ritual they are attempting. Morgan left the inn and found the dog outside of the vardo and went to love it. Mon asked where the cemetery is to a passer by who had little to no expression in them and they pointed to it. Arden awoke in the vardo wrapped in Samson's arms. He tried to slip away but woke Samson in the process. When he got out, he also saw the dog and couldn't resist petting it. 

Mon talked to guards at the gate and learned that monsters were attacking the town at night and the guards blamed it on the witch. Mon went to the graveyard and found the most beautiful grave to be a statue of a 5 year old girl who was murdered. He decided that he would desecrate the grave at night when there wasn't a chance of him being seen. He came back to the other hunters and they decided that they should try and find the witch's cottage. During this, Arden received a bad vision of a small creature in a tree crashing a large object onto one of the hunters. They asked the guards but they wouldn't tell them where it was. Arden used his magic to look into the past and saw the village seizing the witch and burning her cottage down in the woods. However, this magic caused Samson's allergies to act up and a black cat ran from the vardo. Trying to get more info, Morgan asked a guard for directions and he wouldn't give in. However, Morgan could detect hidden desires in the guard and was able to seduce the info out of him. 

The hunters went off to the cottage and found a burned down ruin. Investigating, they found a hidden basement. The bottom was dark and had a pool of water so Arden and Morgan went to the woods to find sticks to make a torch. While there, Arden saw a small creature sitting in a tree and was cautious. The creature's eyes glowed and a nearby tree snapped and started falling. Arden tried to save Morgan from being crushed but the tree fell onto both of them. Morgan being hurt and it being made worse by Arden made Arden succumb to guilt and not try and not try and free himself. Morgan called out to Mon who got an axe and chopped away at the tree until sunset. Once free, they went to the basement and climbed down with a small torch. 

They could hear creatures in the water moving around. One climbed up Arden's pants and tried to get into his butt but he magically trapped the creature. One climbed Morgan's chest and he managed to fling it off. One climbed Mon's leg but he picked up and thought it was friendly, which allowed to to rush into his mouth and down the inside of his body. This caused a lot of pain and allowed the creature to control Mon's body. Arden flung his creature into the wall and reached into Mon to rip out his creature, which then attached to Arden's face. Morgan tried to stab his and was hit with venom but managed to rip off a tentacle. Arden was able to figure out that these were Ghoul Fish; slimy parasitic starfish-like creatures that feed from inside larger creatures. The group climbs out and throws the two remaining ghoul fish out on the grass to dry up and die. They guessed that the ghoul fish were guarding something. While Morgan went back into town after being healed of the venom magically by Arden, Arden and Mon climbed down and found a door on the other side of the room. Behind the door were beds, books on resurrection, and a painting of the witch and her dog, which looked exactly like the adorable dog. They put it together that the dog was trying to resurrect it's owner and saw that doing so would require a lot of people and a lot of sacrafices.

Morgan found the town deserted and spotted lights in the graveyard. He found the town in a circle there sacrificing each other and the dog was in the circle as well. Morgan rushed in to try and take the dog with him and run away but the dog got out of his hands and towns people held him back. He knew they were about to try and take control of his mind so he played along and pretended to be controlled. The ritual went on. Mon and Arden got back and saw the same thing. Appearing next to them was the same black cat from earlier. Arden could feel the cat's intention to stop the dog and its ritual. Mon went back to the beautiful grave and began peeing on it. He felt someone was behind him so he turned around and saw a controlled townsperson, to which he started peeing on. The townsperson grabbed him and took him to the circle. Arden used his magic to jinx the ritual and awaken a townsperson about to be sacrificed. They slapped the knife out of the hand of the sacrificer and it landed on the dog's paw. However, they fell and were promptly stabbed themselves. The dog and townspeople saw Arden doing the magic and began attacking. To defend, the cat began to split into many different clones of itself and attacked back. 

Morgan attacked the dog and was launched back but a sonic bark. Mon was about to be sacrificed by a townsperson with a knife but he deflected it with a sword and stabbed them. The dog did not like this and telekinetically flew a gravestone at Mon, but Morgan used his whip to hit the dog and stopped the magic before the tombstone could hit Mon. Mon rushed in and delivered a killing stab to the dog. The mind control ended and the townspeople awoke in horror of everything that was happening, with Morgan explaining to the town the whole situation. 

Back at the town, Arden found that the venom he magically removed from Morgan actually transferred to Samson who was now sick. He removed the venom from him and would start nursing him.

[center][size=200][u][b]Webisode IV: You Already Killed Them[/b][/u][/size][/center]

A new Hunter, Elenore Holtzman, [b]The Mundane[/b] ([nation]Osreton[/nation]), arrived in the small village of Pipestone. She hear reports of animal hunters going missing and one hunter being found dead. Asking at the local tavern, she was directed to Sheriff Godwin, who was skeptical of her and didn't want her getting involved. However, Deputy Jacob believed she was needed and escorted her to the woods where the body was found, which had been moved. Looking around, she could see that the attack was very brutal and animalistic. She found tracks leading off further into the woods and Jacob followed. They could smell something burning and heard a gunshot in the distance as well as seeing a light in that direction. When they got there, they found an ashy burnt area of the woods with the fire having gone out. Next to it was a hunter recently killed. In the corner of her eye, Ellie spotted something moving away from them.

The two of them followed and came across a deer skeleton spread across the ground. As they came across it, a small fire started next to them. Ellie went to throw dirt onto it, but as she did the fire grew larger and a lot of smoke was present. Through the smoke, Jacob spotted multiple glowing eyes looking at them. They ran away back to the village and got buckets of water from the well. When they came back, the fire was gone and found the skeleton in a different spot. The fire started again but they put it out with the water. However, another started behind them and they ran away once more, this time to the sheriff office. Godwin speculated if this had to do with the amount of monsters running around Kotovania and decides to join the two of them. Him and Jacob got shotguns and the three of them also got buckets of water. 

They returned to the sight of the fire before and another started. Each time they put it out, another started up. Curious about the deer skeleton that had moved again, Ellie swung her guillotine gun at the skull a light flickered in the eye sockets. She kept swinging and Jacob shot his gun into it and the skeleton fell apart. More deer skeletons walked out from the fire and the two watchmen shot their guns into the flames. Ellie launched a grenade from her gun into the fire and explored a deer. One was destroyed by Ellie's axe while another stabbed Jacob in the shoulder and was shot by Godwin. The group wanted to get out of the area and, while doing so, saw the first deer starting to put itself back together. They quickly left before it could do so. She speculated that these deer were revenants hunting down their hunters and that some force in the woods was bringing them to life and keeping them from dying. 

Ellie spotted tracks and followed them. She found a tree stump with a lantern glowing red on it and surrounded by deer skeletons. She stepped on a twig and they started to wake. She shot a grenade at the lantern but it hit the tip of an antler and exploded before that. She slipped past two of the deer and threw the lantern on the ground but it didn't break. Tring to smash it with her axe, a deer got in the way and another stabbed her from behind. Jacob shot the behind one with his shotgun and Ellie used the situation to finally destroy the lantern. A bright light erupted from it and a gust of wind. All the skeletons fell apart and the lantern exploded. 

The watchmen thanked her and she left. However, while traveling through the woods, a group of soldiers from the Army of Kotovania arrested her, suspicious as to why she was in these particular woods.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode IX: Of Many, One[/b][/u][/size][/center]

The group was riding along a path heading to Layvindall. Mon got sick and threw up and, from the vomit, came Dexter's face. He thanked Mon for his work in Ostoncroft and gave him another task, which was to find a person with a symbol on their neck of an eye with an X in it and then push them into line of fire. Arden got a vision of a cloaked figure infront of a flaming pile and a monster rising from it. The group then heard a loud sound coming from a distance. It sounded like thumps and they were getting closer. The group could also feel eyes watching them. Arden stopped the vardo and a giant monster ran in front of them. Suddenly, chains erupted from the surrounded trees and armed men constrained and killed the monster. They asked who the group were and found out they were monster hunters. Due to the practice being illegal, the group was arrested. They were taken to a military camp in Asterford and met another hunter named Ellie. There they met the military general, General Abraham Vaerenbergh. Asking their names, Ellie and Natasha told him their names but Mon and Arden did not, to which Vaerenbergh nicknamed them "B*tchass" and "Assb*tch". 

Bringing the group to his tent, he told them about the war he was fighting with monsters organizing and trying to take control of this area while him and his men fight back. In this battle, he also noticed that some of his men were being kidnapped instead of killed. Knowing the value of monster hunters, he gave the group an option: sneak across enemy lines and find out what they are doing with men and, if they can, kill the enemy general, General Hylura, or be executed by the military and charged with being spies. The group chose the former and Vaerenbergh gave them disguises that were skins of some of the monsters in the battle. The group went off into the hills and woods of the area to sneak over.

While sneaking, they could hear something near them. Listening, they could tell it was some kind of snake monster. Arden tried to observe their mind and intentions but it backfired and alerted the monster about who they were. The group stopped it from calling for reinforcement and killed the creature. Natasha stayed behind to disect and loot it while the rest carried on. They came across the camp and found it surrounded my large minotaur soldiers. Mon transformed into a wolf and was let into the camp where he charmed a skeleton soldier who showed Mon off to its fellow soldiers. Arden wanted to see what was happening and used his magic to look at what Mon was doing. However, his face was able to be seen with the magic and the camp went on high alert with soldiers searching the surrounding area. Ellie and Arden hid while Mon searched around the camp for the missing soldiers. An opening was found and Ellie and Arden managed to sneak into the camp and find Mon. While searching, a skeleton soldier spotted Ellie outside of costume and told Arden, still in costume, to capture her. Arden played dumb and insisted there wasn't a human there and convinced the skeleton that they were seeing things. 

The group got to the center of camp after seeing an energy coming from it and snuck behind a tent. They devised a plan to pretend that they were soldiers who captured Ellie and Arden snuck into the tent to find rope. The inside was an elaborate place with a throne and he took rope from a curtain in there. Tying Ellie up, they walked around to the middle of the camp where General Hylura and the cloaked figure from Arden's vision were. The captured soldiers were there in a line and Ellie was placed there as well. Hylura had Arden leave the center camp and Mon as well who snuck behind a nearby bush and close enough to see what was happening. The cloaked figure began a ritual and killing the soldiers. Arden tried to look into the cloaked figure's mind to tell what they were thinking, which alerted the figure who could tell someone was using magic on them. Hylura went to investigate and, while Mon snuck into a tent, Arden went back around to the elaborate tent. There he found a document talking about a ritual to create a Haatleix, a very powerful flesh golem, which was occuring right now. 

Standing in line with Ellie was Morgan who was captured earlier (just go with it). They tried to get out but Hylura stopped them with tentacles erupting from her hands. More soldiers were being sacrificed during this. Mon, still in wolf form, then ran past her and jumped at the cloaked figure, finding them to be a skeletal looking person glowing green and constantly shifting faces making up their torso. A battle erupted. The group took out Hylura while the cloaked figure killed the rest of the soldiers and only needed one more. Fighting them off, the group realized that they likely couldn't take them down and that they finished their mission and could leave. Arden froze the figure and the group managed to sneak out of the camp without any monster soldiers spotting them.

They reported what happened and what they found out to General Vaerenbergh and some went to get healed at the infirmary. When Morgan entered the tent, Vaerenbergh revealed that they were old friends and the two reunited. The battle turned in the humans' favor and the monsters were defeated, especially with General Hylura dead and unable to organize them and lead the fight. Vaerenbergh assembled the group again to warn them about Layvindall, which has fallen to the monster hoards. As they prepared to leave, Ellie was offered a chance to join the group and accepted it and the group departed.

[center][size=200][u][b]Episode XI: For Just One Night[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[hr][hr][center][b][size=150]Current Progress[/size][/b]


The Isles of Student Loan Debt

