by Max Barry

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by Panmonia. . 3 reads.

Generic stuff about Panmonia that could either be "trivia" or "misc"

Country name: Panmonia

Full name: Panmonian Queendom

HoS: Queen Alyssa Valkyrie the 27th

Driving side: Both, depends on where you are in Panmonia.

National Anthem: Plastic Love

War anthem: Seven Nation Army

Equality: Very equal. For a monarchy, things are very just in Panmonia, including living expectancy (girls/boys having the same year and not boys having more years than a girl) and sufferage (sufferage in this context meaning networth, or materialism; how easy Access and life is. In Panmonia, life would be very easy because of an overabundance of mechanical technologies (like A/Cs, fridges, stoves, etc) and that there'd be more cars or boats than people. Cars are very cheap due to how the main Panmonian currency (Seadollars and Seashells) work.

Happiness: The most-happy, since Happiness and Equality are conjointed, or linked-together. Panmonians are some of the most cheerful people.

Ideolog(y/ies): Monarchism (Queendom), Absolutism (Absolute Monarchy), Anticommunism, Positive Hypercapitalism, Secularism, Colonialism, Antislavery/Abolitionism, Irrendentism/expansionism, Imperialism (pretty-much a simplification of the Overview's ideology classification)

Religion(s): Many religions; some of these very-hard to categorize, but due to Liberalism and how fast things're growing in Panmonia, Religious rates are expected to severely-decline.

Puppetstates/vassals: Confederation of Mars (dejure), many micronations (defacto, since some micronations claimed "the whole ocean" or "the entirety of Space" or all of Earth.)

Age: Panmonia has alot of old(er) people, from the year(s) 30+, though is also expected to become the youngest nation due to its Romanticist and Pro-natalist stances, as well as the quality-of-Life being very-high. Technology is to also help lessen "the Curve," as there're so many innovations in STEM, as-well-as Automata themselves. Panmonia, despite not being a Technocratic state, places alot of emphasis on Technology and Humanity, or "leaving Earth behind and starting a mega-empire/Galactic Empire that'd rival Rome and the many other city-states."

National animal/symbol: The Panmonian (g)irl.

Notable celebrities: Lana Delray, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice, and many of Earths' Greatest both pre-2000 and post-2000. Elvis Presley and The Beatles aren't really "notable," as they've gotten beaten-out by many of the recent and most-recent stars and starlettes though they'll always be known for "being the First," or "being Trendsetters."

Capitol(s): Unknown, as-of-presently, though thought to be somewhere in Eurasia (maybe Singapore or Paris or Belfast or mostly places in Western Europa.)

Sport(s)/Pasttime(s): Eating, Championships, Gaming/eSports, Architecture and competitive building, hockey, swimming, Robotics/Engineering, fixing things ("Fixer-upper" or "DIY"), Racing (NASCAR, Dragracing, F1 Racing)

