by Max Barry

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by Confederation state broadcasting. . 134 reads.

VP makes play for power!

an imprint of Confederation of Corrupt Dictators
"All the gos' - and fast!"

13th September, 2020.
Published from Confedereichstag II, 1 Emperor Avenue, 3926, Vocryae, Jocospor

VP makes play for power!

VOCRYAE: Dame Anastasia Clarke HCS of Hms nhs, Vice-President of the Imperial Senate, has declared her intent to expand her portfolio.

The news comes in response to what analysts are calling a challenge issued by the Ministry of the Senate. Sir Victor Watson HCS of West heisen highlighted the Senate's inactivity, leading to Vice-President Clarke's defence of her Cabinet.

The Vice-President, so according to her office, plans on further amending the Government Act 2020, a now sizeable piece of legislation that has seen several revisions. Some have colloquially fashioned it "the Senate's constitution."

There has been no inference, however, as to what these new amendments from Vice-President Clarke might look like.

If new amendments were to be made to the Government Act, they would need a majority in the Senate. Rumour has it that the Office of the Vice-President is already drafting a (long awaited) IS#15.

Vice-President Clarke's popularity within not just the Imperial Senate but the Confederation as a whole remains high. She is considered a natural successor to the incumbent President of the Imperial Senate, Sir Andrew Hazelwood II HCS of Golden impirial utopia.

Some have, however, seen this move as bold, even opportunistic and calculating. A provocative ShrewLlamaLandian broadcaster, Albert Jonas, predicts that Vice-President Clarke might even vie for the leadership of the Royalist Authoritarian Party.

"Coups are common in this Confederation," Jonas told CSB.

"She's well liked and good at what she does. She could challenge Hazelwood in a flash and come out unscathed."

"Her office is thriving. Hazelwood's isn't."

Vice-President Clarke previously served as Director of the Department of Arts and Communications. She was personally responsible for the Copyright and Licensing Act 2020, and also for hosting a series of successful debates amongst senators.

Dame Anastasia was recently awarded a Hero of the Confederation, Second Class for her cultural contributions to the Confederation, bringing Hms nhs a wealth of regional prestige.

The Office of the President declined to comment.

This special correspondence is brought to you by the Imperial Offices and Confederation state broadcasting. Enquiries should be sent to Confederation state broadcasting.

Authorised by the Imperial Palace, Jocospor. Copyright 2020.


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