by Max Barry

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by The Compleated Phyrexian Empire of Alexander the Magnus. . 127 reads.

Alexander Von Hresvelg

Alexander Von Hresvelg

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Alexander Von Hreselvg the Second

Alexander's photo. taken 12-6-2072

Emperor of Alexandria and Its Vassals

Preceded by: Alexander Firstborne

Rules: Ancapstands, Fiji and Polynesia, Embauba, South Kingdom Of Casetaria, Boris Cult,
Imperial blexa, Imperial hresvelg, Imperial kratos,Imperial simbronian, Imperial vokriah, and Jude s.

Personal Details




Hresvelg Manor, Alexandria








A life of war tutoring, and the best professors life can offer.


The Unknown God


Alexander Von Hresvleg

"In the immortal words of my father, I am inevitable."
- Alexander, on an attack on Ancapstands-

Alexander is the Emperor of the Alexandrian Empire.

Early Life

Alexander was born with only his mother, and a nurse in a large house. Most of his life was him, his mom, and a stranger in a large house. He was a lonely child, bereaved of relationships, he distanced himself, and devoted himself to his studies.

His young life was filled with success after success. He beat his instructors in mind games, physical duels, and persuasive speaking. He trounced all exams, defeated every foe, and displayed remarkable charisma. He was given his divine weapon at 14, and trained with it every minute of the day. At the age of 15, he took the reigns of power, and began his rule.

Rise in Politics

Alexander was the uncontested ruler since his mother had protected the title from hungry Arch Dukes. He rules with a tight fist on the ever rebellious Dukes. However, he si beloved by the people as a conqueror who brings glory to Alexandria.


For & Against

  • For: The Empire, Military Power, Conquest, Capitalism, Imperialism, Loyalty, Nekos Human relations.

  • Against: Treason, Communists, Weakness, LQBTQ+, .

Personal Information

Alexander enjoys dueling, shooting, and planing the next conquest. He can be found in a library, the dueling grounds, or just strolling around. He also enjoys doing things himself, and is often meeting with foreign powers.

He has no known spouses or children to spend his time with.

He is around 5'9"

Personal Trivia

  • Alexander is known to be guiding his men at the front-line.

  • Alexander has conquered 5 nations.

  • His favorite drink is Coka Cola.

  • Alexander has never missed a target since he was 5 years old.

  • He has a pet cheetah named Stripes.


“You are all going to die. But I swear to you all it will not be today.”

“Surrender. Please.”

"You have 3 options. Surrender, Die, or run screaming like a headless chicken."

"My word."

"Well, if you work hard enough, anything is possible."

The Alexandrian Throne Room in the Flag Ship
