by Max Barry

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by Hamptoria. . 16 reads.

The First Hamptorian Election

The first ever Hamptorian Presidential election is going to be held on Saturday, December 5th, 2020.
It will be between the two Main Political Parties of the Nation.

The Liberty Party's Candidate is Robert Hampton the current President (who was chosen by the Congress), who holds many Conservative views.
The Party that is giving President Hampton a Run for his money is the Freedom Party who is lead by Jason Right, who holds more Liberal Views.

There are 3rd Parties as well but dont really stand a chance.
Examples are: The Communist Party of Hamptoria, The National Socialist Party of Hamptoria (dont worry, it has little to no support in the populous) the Socialist Party, the Fascist Party, the Nature Party, the Globalist Party, etc

The talking points:

- The Environment

- The Economy

- The Future Constitution

The Debate

The Environment/Economy:

Jason Right: Believes that we Should Start diverting all resources from the Economy towards the Environment

Robert Hampton: Thinks we should not go all the way, but have it Balanced between the Economy and the Environment

The Constitution:

They mostly agree in the way that the Constitution should be laid out, except for one thing, the Electoral System.

Jason Right: Believes that a popular vote should become the regular Presidential Election System

Robert Hampton: Believes that an Electoral College style system is needed to be put in place for the Election System.

The First Election will however, be determined by a popular vote because of no electoral plan and no constitution as of yet.

The Campaign Starts Today. Who will be the Next President?

Executive Mansion, Liberty City

