by Max Barry

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by Kids country. . 23 reads.

Security Council Recommendation


World Assembly Recommendations

General Assembly | Security Council

Resolution | Condemn Scardino

Overall Vote

The Chancery advises Global Union nations to vote AGAINST the resolution:


The Resolution seeks to Condemn Scardino for their participation in the Lone Wolves United, a raider organization. It makes specific references to the LWU's raid on the Great Barrier Reef, on the Supreme Union, on Hell, and on Lazarus. It further observes that Scardino participated in the Sekhmet Legion of Osiris, which destroyed such regions as the Socialist Alliance of Eurasia and the Hypernovia House. Finally, the Resolution makes reference to Scardino's dismissal of most members of The East Pacific's Viziers.


The Union stands opposed to all forms of raiding. The resolution, however, is poorly written and inadequately reflects the target's contributions; hence, please vote AGAINST the resolution.


Kids country

