by Max Barry

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by The Matriarchy of Aeljae. . 5 reads.

Aeljaen Civil War (under construction)

Aeljaen Civil War

Location: Aeljaen Space and Territories


- Establishment of a concordance democracy
- Proclamation of the Aeljean edicts
- Creation of the Aeljean constitution
- Establishment of permanent armed neutrality
- Radical social and political change

The Aeljaen Civil War ( INSERT DATE), was a multi-party civil war in the Matriarchy of Aeljae immediately after the revolution of INSERT DATE, as many factions vied to determine Aeljaes political future. The two largest combatant groups were the Royal Army, fighting for the continuation of absolute Monarchy led by General INSERT NAME, and the Republican Army nominally led by INSERT NAME. In addition militant socialists inspired by the teachings of INSERT NAME and national socialists commanded by General INSERT NAME, fought against both the royalists and republicans.

After decades of war the conflict grinded to a halt. This led to the signing of an armistice between the four remaining factions and after six years of negotiating the signing of a peace treaty was concluded. The peace treaty established a new constitution which created the three branches of government, in addition the Matriarch was forced to proclaim the Aeljean edicts as law.

The Matriarchy of Aeljae
