by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 75 reads.

Vote For GA resolution Preventing Identity Theft

General Assembly Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Preventing Identity Theft
Vote Recommendation: For

Resolution Analysis
This resolution seeks to replace "Identity Theft Prevention Act", which was recently repealed by this noble body. In replacing it, the author reintroduces the International Identity Database, a repository of those who have had their identities stolen. It clarifies that the database is for the use of WA nations though that non-member nations may submit their own data before putting restrictions which would necessarily increase the security surrounding such sensitive information. This resolution tasks member nations with preventing identity theft and introduces a new requirement for members: compensation of victims of identity theft. The author also urges World Assembly members to create technology to reduce, and lessen the impact of, identity theft.

The author not only creates a compelling case for passage through their clarifications and reworking of the International Identity Database, they also hone in on a concept we think is critical: the idea of restorative justice through the paying of damages. Without that simple step, this proposal would prevent identity theft, but would not address the primary issue caused by it, namely financial loss. Restorative justice is but the only response to individual cases which involve financial loss and we are glad that this resolution enshrines that principal into international law. We appreciate too the author's commitment towards eventually eradicating the scourge that is identity theft through increasing tech development. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Preventing Identity Theft".

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