by Max Barry

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by Independent rathe. . 1 reads.

The Rakian Civil War and Aftermath

The land that Independent Rathe currently occupies is only half of what it used to. In 1977, a movement of activists calling for greater religious freedom began protesting. This grew into many large scale riots, to the point that the Rakian Government was nearly overthrown. To appease the rioters, the Government agreed to give them 10% of the land that the government owned, localized to one area in a large forest. Many activists began to move there, where a commune was created. This commune called themselves Independent Rathe, and as time went on, they became more and more radical, until a man calling himself Okan Rathe declared himself the leader of Independent Rathe. At his order, Independent Rathe began waging war against Rathe, now called the People’s Republic of Rathe. Independent Rathe gained land and resources until it grew an actual military and a sizable portion of land, equaling roughly half of the original Rathe’s land.

Independent rathe
