by Max Barry

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by The Grand Republic of Castenor. . 1 reads.

FNR | Amendment to the Executive Succession Act


Founded January 15, 2016 - United December 25, 2016

Bill Details

Full Name: Amendment to the Executive Succession Act
Abbreviation: RL-###

Date: 15th July, 2023
Brief Purpose: To rename the Vanguard Council and reform Executive Succession in line with the planned structure of a future Frontier territory.

Amendment to the Executive Succession Act


  1. Section I, Clause iii, Subclause b shall be removed from the Act, in line with the proposed Constitutional Amendment relegating the World Assembly Delegate position to that of a Minister.

  2. Every instance of the term "Vanguard Council" shall be replaced with "Crisis Corps."

  3. Every instance of the term "Vanguard Protocol" shall be replaced with "Crisis Protocol."

  4. Every instance of the term "Vanguard" or "Vanguards", remaining following the previous changes, shal be replaced with "Crisis Corps Member" or "Crisis Corps Members," depending on the singularity or plurality of the terms.

  5. Every instance of the term "Founder" shall be replaced with "Chief Administrator."

Proposed & Signed,
Castenor, Minister of Foreign Affairs
