by Max Barry

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by The Sacred Republic of Big Germania. . 2 reads.

The Revelation of Valerius



~P R E H I S T O R Y~

In the ancient days, when the world was young and untamed, a man named Valerius emerged from the shadows of obscurity. Born to a humble family in Shmerie, a city that would later be reclaimed by the hands of freedom.
Valerius, driven by an insatiable curiosity and an unyielding spirit, sought knowledge in the hidden recesses of ancient texts and whispered wisdom. His relentless pursuit of understanding caught the attention of Illiana, a goddess. Illiana saw the thirst for knowledge, and a heart that yearned for enlightenment.
Under the gentle guidance of the goddess Illiana, Valerius blossomed into a seeker of truth and a custodian of wisdom. He had a plan - he wanted to fight the slavery in Shmerie and he wanted to free the Vedulists and safe them in the Empire of Kaiserreich, were a safe life is guaranteed.
As Valerius stepped into the role of a sacred liberator, guided by the wisdom bestowed upon him by Illiana, the path he walked became a pilgrimage of the soul. The city of Shmerie, with its chains of oppression, would become the crucible in which Valerius forged a legacy of divine purpose. The goddess' ethereal word guided him every step of the way, and Valerius gathered himself with unwavering determination to face the age of Vedulist cruelty His vision extended beyond the limits of death to the realm of the sacred — a vision in which the Caesarean Empire was not only a promised land of physical refuge but of spiritual protection and light.

~F I R S T _ C O N T A C T _ W I T H _ I L L I A N A~

In the prime of his youth, Valerius, consumed by his quest for knowledge and liberation, found himself blessed by a celestial encounter. One fateful night, as he lay in restless slumber, he was visited by Illianas daughter Farsetia, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, is sponsor of the knowledge-seeking, law & justice, and literature..
In the realm between dreams and waking, Illiana's ethereal form shimmered before him, her presence filling the darkness with divine light. With a voice as gentle as the breeze yet resonant with the power of the cosmos, she spoke to Valerius, her words imbued with wisdom and purpose.
"Valerius," she intoned, "I have watched as your heart yearns for understanding, and your spirit thirsts for truth. In you, I see a seeker of wisdom, a custodian of knowledge. Rise, for I have chosen you to be my vessel of enlightenment."
Valerius, awestruck by the divine presence before him, listened intently as Illiana bestowed upon him her blessing and guidance. She revealed to him the path he must tread, the trials he must overcome, and the destiny that awaited him. With each word, Valerius felt a profound sense of purpose stirring within him, a calling to bring light to the darkness and freedom to the oppressed.
And as he awoke from his celestial encounter, Valerius remembered the goddess's command. He journeyed to the banks of the River Loupe, guided by the light of the half-moon. There, beneath the silver glow of the night sky, he immersed his hand in the cool, flowing waters. With each touch, he felt a surge of confidence and knowledge coursing through him, a divine gift from Illiana herself.
From that moment onward, Valerius knew that his life's journey had been forever altered. Guided by Illiana's divine wisdom and strengthened by the blessings of the River Loupe, he embarked on a pilgrimage of the soul, his every step infused with purpose and clarity. And though the road ahead was fraught with challenges and obstacles, he faced it with unwavering resolve, knowing that he walked in the footsteps of the divine.

~L E S S O N S _ B Y _ I L L I A N A~

Valerius learned more from the Goddess with every waning moon. He wrote down all five of Illiana's lessons on a single sheet of paper, which he used to compile her lessons:

I. Harmony:

    Illiana taught me, that seeking a balance is one of the most important aspects of life. This includes finding a balance between my secular and spiritual energy.

II. Devotion:

    Devotion encompasses unwavering dedication, faithfulness, and allegiance to one's duties, beliefs, and loved ones. I learned that true devotion requires sacrificing personal interests for the greater good and remaining faithful even in the face of adversity.


    Illiana imparts upon me the necessity of seeking wisdom and understanding through continuous learning. I learned to approach life's challenges with a discerning mind and an open heart.

IV. Integrity:

    Illiana counseled me on the value of maintaining honesty and integrity in all of my interactions. I am aware that, even in the midst of difficulty, genuine dignity arises from upholding one's moral standards and behaving openly and honestly.

V. Resilience

    I learned the virtue of resilience from Illiana, who inspires him to keep going in the face of difficulties and disappointments. I gained the ability to view setbacks as chances for personal development and evolution. I use my inner strength to overcome these setbacks and continue on his journey toward enlightenment.

~T H E _L I B E R A T I O N~

Amidst the harsh rule of Shmerie, the Vedulists endured slavery under the weight of oppression. They were forced to build a monument for the ruling king, watched over by soldiers. Led by Valerius, inspired by Illiana's teachings and a desire for freedom, the Vedulists plotted their escape. Under cover of darkness, they managed to break their chains and, with Valerius's guidance, escaped with fifty of their people. However, their flight was not unnoticed, and Shmerie's soldiers chased after them relentlessly. In a race against time, Valerius and his group of fugitives headed towards the River Loupe, seeking refuge on its banks.
When the enemy surrounded them, their hope faded. But then, Yahel, the Creator, stepped in. Yahel used his divine powers to open a path in the Loupe River, a miraculous escape route. Once they crossed, the river closed, blocking the enemy's pursuit. However, their struggle continued. They faced the daunting Preschen Range, a barrier before their freedom. Valerius, low on supplies and facing the threat of dehydration, sought wisdom in Illiana's teachings for guidance as they continued their perilous journey.

~F L E E I N G_T O_K A I S E R R E I C H~

After escaping danger, Valerius and his companions found a new home in Freileben. The town's lights represented a symbol of hope in the vast and unfamiliar land of Ertzenland. Freileben's peaceful setting provided a much-needed refuge from their arduous journey. The refugees from the Preschen Range, known as the Vedulists, made Freileben their new home. They found liberation from oppression under the protection of the Kaiserreich. The town's welcoming atmosphere and the promise of a better future rekindled their spirits.
As time progressed, Valerius and his companions experienced increasing prosperity. This was a testament to their resilience and the transformative potential of freedom. In their adopted homeland, they forged a new future, filled with gratitude for the blessings they had received. United by kinship and camaraderie, they embarked on a new chapter. They knew that their struggle had left an enduring legacy, inspiring countless others in the years to come.
