by Max Barry

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by The People's Republic of TCB Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. . 169 reads.

Vote AGAINST Regarding Artificial Islands

Official Recommendation of the Ministry of WA Affairs

Vote AGAINST Regarding Artificial Islands - Here

Category: Free TradeStrength: MildAuthor: New Kowloon Bay

Rationale & Analysis

Regarding Artificial Islands is a largely innocuous proposal intended to provide regulations of international waters around artificially created islands. Clauses 1 and 2 are fairly basic with a definition and a statement that artificial islands need to be aware of international trade routes. The problem lies in Clause 3.

Clause 3, as written, creates a situation whereby once created an artificial island's surrounding waters are permanently managed by the member state which originally created said island. In most circumstances, this is fine. However, in the situation where an artificial island, sufficiently populated, decides to declare independence from their mainland counterparts, the island now has to rely on the good will of the original member state to allow them any jurisdiction over the waters surrounding their island. To put bluntly: if an artificial island declares independence from the mainland, they do not control the waters around them unless given permission by the nation they declared independence from. That's a problem.

As such, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has directed Kethania to vote AGAINST Regarding Artificial Islands, and urges the Bloc's World Assembly nations to do the same.

Analysis By: Namwenia
Want more information? Please telegram Minister of World Assembly Affairs Second Sovereignty for further clarification.
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