by Max Barry

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by The Empire of Cipher Nine. . 4 reads.

#114 Wipe Out Grafitti?

The Issue

Citizens all over Cipher Nine have been petitioning for firmer action on public graffiti.

The Debate

"It's a disgrace!" declares Lee McGuffin, middle class and proud of it. "I can't even go downtown without seeing these hideous eyesores debasing the streets! We need to arrest the scumbags at the root of this, lock them up, and teach them a jolly good lesson! More policemen on the beat should do the ticket, even if it does require a slight augmentation in taxes!"

"I don't see what's so bad," comments Colin Hendrikson, a famous art critic. "This is urban art at its finest. It's vibrant, colorful, and simply reeks of culture! Just look at the form displayed in this string of racist expletives! Wonderful. Simply wonderful. I think we should really be encouraging these budding Rembrandts, not putting them down! I say we legalise it, in the name of culture!"



Defacement of government property is criminal.
