by Max Barry

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by The Prosperous Land of Kethania. . 2,109 reads.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

This page attempts, with varying degreed of success, to fully and completely answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the region. Reading is advised. Not mandatory though. Hardly anything is mandatory in The Communist Bloc. We are a pretty free region overall, you know. Yup.

#Someone is misbehaving on the RMB! What do I do?
Please click this
big report button thingie
to send a telegram to our RMB moderators. You should include links to posts/pages containing improper material.
Please also report to game moderators if applicable.

#Why should I become a citizen?
Many reasons. Citizenship is like a switch from "just hanging around" to "being a full–fledged part of the region". Citizenship allows one to vote in elections, run for positions in government, participate in discussion on forums (which is where the most of it happens), and all that good stuff. If you are not yet a citizen - you're missing out.

You may be suspicious of this whole bureaucracy, and wondering why can't we just allow the aforementioned freedoms to everyone. Well, there are good reasons. This world is dark and full of very very bad people doing all sorts of illegal and immoral activities. Citizenship allows us to prevent them from running for offices, spying on our important [REDACTED], etc. Unless you are one of those very very bad people, you have nothing to worry about.

You can apply for citizenship Linkright here, following Linkthese instructions.

If you have any more questions, please, feel free to telegram me, Kethania (also go by Micha or 🐙), and I'll answer the best I can.

#Who is actually in power in The Communist Bloc?
You may have read that regional power in NationStates lies in the hands of World Assembly (WA) Delegate. However, we in The Communist Bloc like to bend the rules a bit.

In The Communist Bloc we have installed a different structure: the leader here is the General Secretary (GS), who is elected democratically by the people of The Communist Bloc every two months. The GS then appoints the WA Delegate and all the ministers. This is the executive branch of the government of The Communist Bloc.

There is as well a legislative branch, in the form of Central Committee (CC), to which a certain number of candidates (depending on regional population) is elected by the people of The Communist Bloc every two months, in antiphase with GS elections.

All the elections are conducted on LinkThe Communist Bloc forums.

The current government of The Communist Bloc consists of:



NS Nation

General Secretary

Pytor Petrovsky

The duckling isles

Chief of Staff

Thomas Calloway


Minister of Foreign Affairs

Cameron Romefeller

El kitty

Minister of Culture

Thomas Calloway


Minister of Domestic Affairs



Honorary Minister of Memes



Minister of Defence



World Assembly Delegate



Central Committee Member & Premier

Lewis Flood


Central Committee Member

George Milne


Central Committee Member



Central Committee Member

Martyn Kiryu


Central Committee Member



Central Committee Member

Thomas Calloway


Central Committee Member

Vlad Schpilkes


If somethings is unclear, please, feel free to telegram me, Kethania (also go by Micha or 🐙), and I'll try to explain it better.

#Why is my application not being processed?
Sadly enough, processing applications take time and effort. It also gets pretty tedious after a while. A couple of days is a reasonable enough expectation of the processing time. We haven't forgot about you, so just exercise patience.
Oh, and if after a week your application is not yet processed, then we probably have forgot about you, so feel free to complain to me, Kethania (also go by Micha or 🐙), and I will look at what can be done.
