by Max Barry

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by Unnamedland. . 51 reads.

Political Parties of the OSN

Political Parties of the OSN

>Insert Party Name<
Manifesto: >Insert Party Manifesto<
Chancellor Candidate: >Insert Chancellor Candidate<
Vice Chancellor Candidate: >Insert VC Candidate<
>Other Official Position Name< : >Other Official Position Candidate<
Known Members: >Known Members<
Status: >Insert Status<
An explanation of status:
Potential party: A party that exists but that does not have a manifesto, which means it does not fulfill the requirements of the OSN party law.
Active party: A party that fulfills the law's requirements and that is active in politics.
Inactive party: A party that fulfills the law's requirements but that has not been active in politics recently.

Centrist Party of the Order (CPO)
Manifesto: The strive to benefit everyone in the Order, and maintain open friendships with regions and organisations abroad.
Chancellor Candidate: Coalition with Leftwing Republicans, Stanikajom
Vice Chancellor Candidate: Indo-Malaysia
Known Members: Indo-Malaysia
Status: Active

Leftwing Republicans (LWR)
Manifesto: We strive to give freedom of speech and religion across the Order. We also try our hardest to help the little guy(in this case, Nation)
Chancellor Candidate: Stanikajom
Vice Chancellor Candidate: Coalition with Centrist Party, Indo-Malaysia
Known Members: Stanikajom, Chzek
Status: Active

Social Democrats of the Order (SPO)
Manifesto: Our colors are navy blue and yellow, and we support equality and freedom, although we also support regulation. We are strongly for foreign relations and want everyone to feel included. Thank you.
Chancellor Candidate: Qeyt
Vice Chancellor Candidate: Unnamedland
Known Members: Qeyt, Unnamedland
Status: Active

*The Spelling Party of the Order(t*SNPO)
Official colors: and Purple
The*Spelling Nazi Party is against whatever is spelled wrong or has any perceived imperfections (real or imagined). Spam, grammar, and what have you. Motto: We must have alphabetical order! They are vehemently against fax machines. They are for spiffy uniforms, jackboots and monocles along with whatever whimsical pipe dream they are currently experiencing. Like fake news.
Chancellor Candidate: Not decided
Vice Chancellor Candidate: Not decided
Known Members: East Poisonapple, The Spelling Nazi
Status: Active

Theocratic Party
Manifesto: Official colors are white, red, and gold, and party members value the almighty fax above all else. They seek to further the holy word of the fax and generally not be a moron while they are at it.
Chancellor Candidate: Not decided
Vice Chancellor Candidate: Not decided
Known Members: Loksi
Status: Active


