by Max Barry

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by Shinnokawa. . 7 reads.

National March of Shinnokawa: Sun and Stars forever

This march was from the American National March, Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillip Sousa. Linkhere

Murata Park composed this piece after the revolution when the flag was raised. At the time, the flag had a sun with 8 stars surrounding it. While looking onto the flag on the flag post, he was inspired to create this march reminded by the story of when this flag was first raised in 1892 SSC. Now, 60 years later, it has become a legendary piece.

Hurrah for the flag of the free
May it wave as our standard forever
The gem of the land and the sea
The banner of the right

Let tyrants remember the days
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray
That by their might and by their right, It waves forever.

