by Max Barry

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hello people

Huri, Northern Seleucia, Monson, Terra-montes, and 2 othersMeadowfields in alesia, and Azov steel 2022

Nah bro I get first post LOL

Huri, Terra-montes, Meadowfields in alesia, and Azov steel 2022

Post self-deleted by Northern Seleucia.

Polandioa wrote:hello people

What do you think about abortion being banned, if that ever happens?

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Northern Seleucia wrote:What do you think about abortion being banned, if that ever happens?

i think there's gonna be more cons then pros

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Northern Seleucia wrote:What do you think about abortion being banned, if that ever happens?

i think there's gonna be more cons then pros

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Polandioa wrote:i think there's gonna be more cons then pros


Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

single mothers not being able to get rid of the baby since they can't afford it and also women who were forced to have them

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Polandioa wrote:single mothers not being able to get rid of the baby since they can't afford it and also women who were forced to have them

That's interesting. You actually paid attention in Civics, huh?

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Currently working on a regional map everyone!

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

there's people here?

Northern Seleucia, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Polandioa wrote:there's people here?

Yeah, Puerto domicana is Kevin's nation, and I wired an API key to 30 or so nations inviting them.

Terra-montes and Meadowfields in alesia

Hey Alesia it's nice to meet all of you, we're your newest buddies Tuscagora 😁

Northern Seleucia, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Udserria wrote:Hey Alesia it's nice to meet all of you, we're your newest buddies Tuscagora 😁

Welcome! Happy to see you here. Feel free to talk about anything - we're pretty laid back and casual.

Udserria, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Hey guys, Tuscagora has a new poll up here!

Northern Seleucia, Southern seleucia, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Udserria wrote:Hey guys, Tuscagora has a new poll up here!

I'm gonna check it out!

Sorry about the lack of activity, it's mostly me and my classmates at school, and we're busy.

Udserria, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Northern Seleucia wrote:I'm gonna check it out!

Sorry about the lack of activity, it's mostly me and my classmates at school, and we're busy.

Haha no prob

Northern Seleucia, Southern seleucia, Terra-montes, and Meadowfields in alesia

Udserria wrote:Haha no prob

Yeah, classes end next month and so this time of year is crazy.

Udserria and Meadowfields in alesia

The War of the Laiack Sea continues. The provinces of Ria and Delmarva have continued their uprisings. It has not been an easy mission, and there have been losses...

Meadowfields in alesia

Libertyvilla wrote:The War of the Laiack Sea continues. The provinces of Ria and Delmarva have continued their uprisings. It has not been an easy mission, and there have been losses...

Northern Seleucia has, of course, taken note of this and has explored ways in which the war could end, hopefully without a damned Communist victory.

Meadowfields in alesia

Our leader has deployed the 11th Stormtrooper Brigade to the front. They're known specifically for the fear they cause in the enemy. Hopefully we can sweep up the village by tomorrow morning.

Meadowfields in alesia

Libertyvilla wrote:Our leader has deployed the 11th Stormtrooper Brigade to the front. They're known specifically for the fear they cause in the enemy. Hopefully we can sweep up the village by tomorrow morning.

Now there's a standstill in the war, repeating what's been done before
It must come to an end, a few will transcend
They were under 25, and under fire they would thrive
The Sturmmann is born, their enemies scorn

A glimpse of the future, new tactics in war
New doctrine in combat explored
As fast as lightning, there's no time to mourn
A glimpse of the future and Blitzkrieg is born

Strike at zero hour
With overwhelming firepower
They're fueled by the fear in their enemies eyes
It's a shock troop infiltration
A fast and violent escalation
Out of the trenches the Stormtroopers rise!

The 11th Stormtrooper Brigade of the National Army of Libertyvilla is certainly a fierce unit. However, the Communist insurgents in the rebellious provinces have been armed by an outside force. We'll keep a VERY close eye on it.

If these Communists try to nationalize anything, be sure that Northern Seleucia's AC-130 Gunships will express our strong disagreements via 105mm howitzer rounds...

Meadowfields in alesia

The Western Military District has reported the loss of the towns of Rubizhne and Staractis to the communist insurgents in Delmarva. Our forces have redeployed a mechanized battalion to the towns in order to retake them, but those damned communists are entrenched near town center.

Northern Seleucia and Meadowfields in alesia

Libertyvilla wrote:The Western Military District has reported the loss of the towns of Rubizhne and Staractis to the communist insurgents in Delmarva. Our forces have redeployed a mechanized battalion to the towns in order to retake them, but those damned communists are entrenched near town center.

Careful, our intel shows a possible attack near Alesius.

Meadowfields in alesia

ima put the worst fart spray in the schools ac unit so everyone can be free

Northern Seleucia and Meadowfields in alesia

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