by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Retail Industry in the World

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

NationWA CategoryMotto
337,881.The Commonwealth of TanyaidaDemocratic Socialists“Find Love in everything”
337,882.The Eternal Forge of Vylixan HephaestusAuthoritarian Democracy“Forge thick and grind thin”
337,883.The Republic of Nickyuwu 140Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
337,884.The Free Man of SopherseMoralistic Democracy“Gordon Freeman is life!”
337,885.The Community of Titans of LongoDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Compliance”
337,886.The Republic of Xink86Corrupt Dictatorship“Motto...”
337,887.The Holy Empire of KaudisIron Fist Consumerists“Moo! Lucky Friendship in NationStates”
337,888.The Domain of Fred NorrisFather Knows Best State“Fred is better than Howard Stern!”
337,889.The Helladric Commonwealth of IonysiaLeft-Leaning College State“Governed by reason. Living by passion.”
337,890.The Republic of Thorn50Psychotic Dictatorship“Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)”
«12. . .33,78633,78733,78833,78933,79033,79133,792. . .34,64234,643»