by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Welfare Programs in the World

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Federation of SmithstopiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“There Is a Light That Never Goes Out”
32.The Dominion of ReskelliaDemocratic Socialists“Help yourself first to better help others.”
33.The Dominion of Disco EmpireDemocratic Socialists“You should be dancing!”
34.The Federal Sovereign State of The palace of God 2Liberal Democratic Socialists“Workers of the world, unite!”
35.The Great Scientific Polity of Greater CubaLeft-wing Utopia“We Don't Get Mad, We Get Stabby”
36.The Shining Islands of G C BakuraDemocratic Socialists“It's Time to Draw!”
37.The Republic of SaltanyasLeft-wing Utopia“Work is Play”
38.The Democratic Republic of CountriopiaLeft-wing Utopia“Proletarians of all countries, unite!”
39.The People's Ambient Technocracy of MathemataniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The integral of e to the x is f of u sub n!”
40.The Confederated Communes of MinahasaLeft-wing Utopia“Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou”
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