by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Rudest Citizens in the World

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Constitutional Republic of AndaricusAnarchy“Freedom Is The Right Of All Sentient Beings”
12.The Mafian Economic Republic of The Dark SystemCapitalist Paradise“Money, Power, Respect!”
13.The Failed States of Ervarëa not of ErVaReAn rEpUbLiCAnarchy“Adenroth Erodian veladris, Re’riendel novildrian!”
14.The United Conglomerates of CorporoatAnarchy“Central government is for the weak.”
15.The Lavender Gardens of GiovannilandCorporate Bordello“Viva Giovanniterra!”
16.The Modern Portfolio Theory of Daedra1aCapitalist Paradise“DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI”
17.The Murabian Protectorate of UnthankCapitalist Paradise“Beware!”
18.The Zombie Free Republic of Brexas4Anarchy“Taxes Are Too High!”
19.The Commonwealth of CyleiaAnarchy“Strength through Unity”
20.The Eternal Misfortune of PterodoriaCompulsory Consumerist State“Stop Reading My Motto!”
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