by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Lowest Crime Rates in the World

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The CosmopolitanState of The IGER CivilizationLeft-wing Utopia“For the Greater Good of all Lifeforms.”
22.The Third Social Alliance of Kyldellian HalonInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You mess with the people, you mess with the state!”
23.The Armed Republic of CelticianPsychotic Dictatorship“Dílis go Bás”
24.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone for everyone else”
25.The Meowvellous Wonderful World of Valentine ZDemocratic Socialists“Der Faschismus darf NICHT siegen !”
26.The Culture of Free SocialismLeft-wing Utopia“Of each according to ability to each according to need.”
27.The Federal Commonwealth of Pax AureaLeft-wing Utopia“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
28.The Sadistic Republic of Bright AngelPsychotic Dictatorship“Get Outa Here!!”
29.The Eternal Misfortune of XynlandiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
30.The Kingdom of StykiFather Knows Best State“Enjoy our past... experience our future!”
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