by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Primitive in the World

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Eternal Misfortune of AskatopiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
2.The Eternal Misfortune of CoperciaTyranny by Majority“Stop Reading My Motto!”
3.The Holy Disputed Lands of East green IsraelPsychotic Dictatorship“No man know what the future holds.”
4.The Spiritual Community of NormanJacksonPsychotic Dictatorship“Pray and feel the love!”
5.The Armed Republic of Knowwear in YoutopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Give pea... ummm... war a chance.”
6.The Cheeky Tease of Holy Theocracy of the EndocrineLiberal Democratic Socialists“Nothing to see here...”
7.The Webcomic RolePlaying Game of Darths and DroidsAuthoritarian Democracy“Jar Jar, you're a genius!”
8.The Nationstates Nation State of Nationstates Nation StatePsychotic Dictatorship“”
9.The Holy Yellow CAM of Nadir DystopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Gloom Over Dominated”
10.The Drunken Tyranny of DrunkerlandPsychotic Dictatorship“Bruh what's a Diploma?”
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