by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Primitive in the World

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Eternal Misfortune of AqualagoonPsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
22.The Mad King of Hell of The StalkerFather Knows Best State“I am the daringest devil you've ever met, love.”
23.The Priesthood of Red God RhllorPsychotic Dictatorship“For the Night is Dark and full of terrors”
24.The Nomadic People of Gaia NationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Against Civilization”
25.The Cannibal Tribe of AnPrimusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“*monkey noises*”
26.The Republic of Stone eraRight-wing Utopia“Motto”
27.The Eternal Misfortune of XynlandiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
28.The Room 101 of FrotescaPsychotic Dictatorship“Freedom is Slavery. Time does not exist-You don't exist”
29.The Republic of WhaaaaaatIron Fist Consumerists“Motto”
30.The Rogue Nation of Bad optionPsychotic Dictatorship“If i have to choose i will get it wrong”
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