by Max Barry

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The Safest in Lennart

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

As a region, Lennart is ranked 14,819th in the world for Safest.

NationWorldBubble-Rapp Safety Rating
1.The Community of Lindau14,057th117.12
2.The Community of Kreisen28,179th111.14
3.The Federal Republic of Canarian Isles33,452nd109.17
4.The Republic of Yantaria48,329th104.88
5.The Fief of Yves57,365th102.77
6.The Lennart of Lennart63,111th101.28
7.The Spirit of Renaixensa72,385th98
8.The Federation of Great British Isle74,099th97.41
9.The House of Raybrandt74,792nd97.17
10.The Community of Creil74,902nd97.13