by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Terranova

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Terranova is ranked 12,617th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWorldCharon Conveyancy Index
41.The Colony of Jazygia224,678th1,268.78
42.The Kingdom of Valencia229,517th1,112.27
43.The Crown of Castile230,264th1,086.4
44.The Province of Picardy231,787th1,033.93
45.The Duchy of Teviotdale237,459th857.25
46.The Kingdom of Lapland242,462nd703.7
47.The Kingdom of Brittany242,844th691.15
48.The Island of Lolland261,736th112.84
49.The Fiefdom of Clyde264,429th0
50.The Republic of Cheremisa284,559th-4.24