by Max Barry

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The Nudest in Cities

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, Cities is ranked 26,783rd in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Comarca of SaforRight-wing Utopia“Home of the Fideuŕ”
22.The City of DigneRight-wing Utopia“Bienvenu!”
23.The City of SigmaringenRight-wing Utopia“Gott min uns!”
24.The Vojvodina City of ZrenjaninMoralistic Democracy“Боже правде.”
25.The City of PonferradaRight-wing Utopia“Plus Ultra”
26.The City of TaganrogRight-wing Utopia“Путин должен уйти !”
27.The Beaches of BiarritzRight-wing Utopia“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
28.The Grand Duchy of JulichRight-wing Utopia“Herzogtum Jülich”
29.The County of KatzenelnbogenMoralistic Democracy“Contemnit procellas”
30.The Diocese of CastresRight-wing Utopia“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”