by Max Barry

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The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Empires Forever United

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Empires Forever United is ranked 15,852nd in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The People's Republic of South TuvaluDemocratic Socialists“Freedom, Work, Progress”
52.The Republic of Bielaj RusiIron Fist Consumerists“We are for what we are”
53.The Most Serene Republic of Lunar FishNew York Times Democracy“Is it the moon? Is it a fish? No, it's a lunar fish.”
54.The Federal Republic of KnyszynInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For home, ready!”
55.The Empire of Tyren-Jack-landPsychotic Dictatorship“No freedom is the best and fun is illegal”
56.The Empire of OnomanatopoeiaLeft-wing Utopia“Words are what will save us in the most dire times.”
57.The Empire of The Most Imperial EmpireFather Knows Best State“God, Homeland, Liberty”