by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in European Union

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, European Union is ranked 1,784th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The STILL HUNGRY VINNY of United In DiversityCivil Rights Lovefest“3 / 10 of the Vincent Drake Collection”
32.The Federal Republic of BelarumScandinavian Liberal Paradise“With Justice For All”
33.The Republic of VelanyNew York Times Democracy“Virtus Per Libertatem”
34.The Republic of KiaoraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Always work as a team”
35.The Republic of NarisiaNew York Times Democracy“Cats love their freedom, so we as humans love our freed”
36.The Republic of ExtremoduroNew York Times Democracy“PLVS VLTRA”
37.The Republic of BorisuralNew York Times Democracy“Бог, Родина, Свобода”
38.The United Federal States of AnglealndLiberal Democratic Socialists“Terra pulchritudinis”
39.The Federation of IzenburgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pro Patria”
40.The Free Empire of The Great Federal Empire AInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Kill or be killed”