by Max Barry

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The Most Inclusive in the Rejected Realms

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, the Rejected Realms is ranked 10,816th in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Democratic People's Republic of Bongo NationPsychotic Dictatorship“Perma Rev Yes”
22.The Wasteland of Savage FrontierLeft-Leaning College State“War. War never changes”
23.The Republic of YsargaCorporate Bordello“Sic Semper Tyrannis”
24.The Council Republic of SyndicasiaDemocratic Socialists“Proletarians of all countries, unite!”
25.The People's SSR of Peoples Republic OIron Fist Socialists“Freedom of Debate, Unity of Action!”
26.The Republic of WacmanDemocratic Socialists“Freedom and Justice for all”
27.The Holy Empire of MimpinesiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Die you infidels.”
28.The Free Land of Kitten-eatersCorporate Bordello“Fried kittens are tasty”
29.The Democratic States of Dinner BlasterLiberal Democratic Socialists“This peace is what all true warriors strive for”
30.The Most Serene Republic of Perfect Sublime MastersLeft-Leaning College State“The past is a foreign country.”
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