by Max Barry

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Region: Elparia

Imperialist treka

Expansion of the Hampshire Pact

The Hampshire Pact is a economic, cultural and military cooperation/defense pact that was signed between the nations of Treka, Entaria, Essotori and Chuukango (who left early this year). The Expansion of the pact was never a large issue until a need for close allies for Treka and it’s sphere as many others began shifting towards a more neutral stance became apparent. With this, the pact has added 4 new members. After talks with all of their leaders, the nations of Quangsuh, Sereine, Derptingtonn and Arells all agreed to join the pact. All 4 nations have added to the pacts overall power, quangsuh being currently a 2nd or 3rd world country (depending on who you ask), unlike the other 3, stands out. The nation has begun working with Treka economically and militarily recently and is expected to become a major Trekan ally as it develops itself more and more.
Treka has signed a deal with Quangsuh to 3 radar stations outside of the Quangsuh capital, as well as one major naval base and one submarine base. It is currently unknown which fleets will be transferred to those bases.

