by Max Barry

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Region: Alvaria

Demonos ministry of foreign affairs

Hello. This is amazing BTW

Codex of Laws

by Alvarian founder

Public Law

  • High Treason shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment from the region, revokement of citizenship, ban from office, or impeachment from office. Treason is defined as:

    1. Performing a hostile or illegal seizure of the government, Discord server, or Founder account;

    2. Destroying regional property in solidarity with a foreign body;

    3. Relaying confidential information to a foreign body.

  • Destruction of Regional Property shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, or impeachment from office. 'Destruction of Regional Property' is defined as:

    1. The deletion of any major dispatches without legal or executive authorization to do so;

    2. The deletion of any Discord channels and/or categories, without legal or executive authorisation to do so;

    3. Any other destruction of regional property as defined by the Court.

  • Abuse of Power shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, banishment from office or impeachment from office. 'Abuse of Power' is defined as:

    1. The banishment or ejection of any Citizens or Delegates without legal or executive authorisation to do so, from either the region or Discord server;

    2. The use of any governmental powers beyond their intended or legally-protected use.

  • Harassment shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, or impeachment from office. 'Harassment' is defined as:

    1. Any unwarranted publishing, circulation, or display of pornographic material in a private and direct setting towards any member of the region or server;

    2. Any unwarranted pressuring of another member of the region or server into sending sexually explicit images or videos, or into other sexual acts;

    3. Any discrimination against any other member of the region or server on the grounds of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs;

    4. Any unwarranted attempt to actively make an individual's regional experience as unpleasant as possible.

  • Grand Corruption shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, ban from office or impeachment from office. 'Grand Corruption' is defined as:

    1. The bribery of another Citizen, as a high up member of government, to take a specific action or express support for something;

    2. Rigging or otherwise dishonestly interfering with an election or public vote by an official in management of the election or vote;

    3. Any dishonest behaviour by a high-ranking government official taken in the pursuit of personal benefit at the expense of the Citizenry of Alvaria.

  • Petty Corruption shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of a warning, an impeachment from office, or an ejection. 'Petty Corruption' is defined as:

    1. The bribery of another Citizen to take a specific action or express support for something;

    2. Rigging or otherwise dishonestly interfering with an election or public vote as a Citizens;

    3. Any dishonest behavior by a low-ranking government official in all branches of Government;

    4. Editing legislation as a Parliamentarian without notifying the Parliament;

  • Court Partiality shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of warning, impeachment, or ban from office. 'Court Partiality' is defined as:

    1. Any proven unfair bias by a Judge towards any members in a Court case.

  • Malicious Puppeteering shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, ban from office, or impeachment from office, for the main nation, and an instant banishment of the puppet(s). 'Malicious Puppeteering' is defined as:

    1. The usage of a puppet or alternate account to sway election;

    2. The occupation of a government office using a puppet;

    3. The violation of any public laws under a puppet.

  • Puppeteering shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region, ban from office, or impeachment from office, and an instant banishment for the puppet(s). 'Puppeteering' is defined as:

    1. Holding membership as a Citizen with an alternate account or nation, without express legal permission to do so.

  • Impersonation shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region or impeachment from office. 'Impersonation' is defined as:

    1. Taking the same name of a former or current member of the region without the consent of its original bearer.

    2. Taking the same 'avatar' of a former or current member of the region without the consent of its original bearer.

  • Plotting shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, impeachment from office, or a warning. 'Plotting' is defined as:

    1. Privately or publicly expressing or formulating plans to commit a High Crime, in a non-joking manner.

  • Misconduct shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region, impeachment from office, or a warning. 'Misconduct' is defined as:

    1. The repeated violation of the Discord or Regional Message Board rules.

  • Damaging International Diplomatic Relations shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region, impeachment from office, or a warning. 'Damaging International Diplomatic Relations' is defined as:

    1. Taking intentional and/or malicious actions which damage Alvaria's relation with a foreign region or inter-regional body.

  • Dereliction of Duty shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of impeachment or warning. 'Dereliction of Duty' is defined as:

    1. As a Member of the House of Commons, missing three or more votes without being excused by the Speaker of the House;

    2. As a President, failing to uphold the duties of the office to the extent outlined in passed laws;

    3. As a Judge, falling inactive for a week or more consecutively, without proper excuse, or failing to participate in the Supreme Court duties to the extent outlined in passed laws;

    4. As a member of Cabinet, falling inactive for a week or more consecutively, without proper excuse, or failing to uphold their duties to the extent outlined in passed laws.

  • False Legal Accusations shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of a warning. 'False Legal Accusations' is defined as:

    1. The intentional and/or malicious direction of judicial accusations against another Citizen.

  • Severe Recidivism shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of banishment or ejection from the region, revokement of citizenship, ban from office, or impeachment from office. 'Severe Recidivism' is defined as:

    1. Two or more convictions of Treason, Destruction of Regional Property, Grand Corruption, Abuse of Power, or Malicious Puppeteering;

    2. Three or more convictions of Petty Corruption, Puppeteering, Plotting, Misconduct, Damaging International Diplomatic Relations, False Legal Accusations, or Dereliction of Duty.

  • Minor Recidivism shall be illegal, with a possible punishment of ejection from the region or impeachment from office. 'Minor Recidivism' is defined as:

    1. Two or more convictions of Petty Corruption, Puppeteering, Plotting, Misconduct, Damaging International Diplomatic Relations, False Legal Accusations, or Dereliction of Duty.

    Legislation Format

    [center][font=Times New Roman][color=#FDC82F][b][size=200][Legislation Name][/size][/font][/b][/color][/center][hr]
    [color=#FDC82F][size=120][font=Times New Roman]
    Author: [nation][/nation]
  • Read factbook
