by Max Barry

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by The Eministration of Emiline. . 1 reads.

[AA] Public Statement on Alliance Transition of Power

The following is an official statement from the Augustin Alliance Central Strategic Committee regarding the future of the Alliance and the transition of power. Please direct any questions to Emiline.

As many are probably aware, Alliance Founder August has not been active or involved with NationStates or the Augustin Alliance in any significant capacity for quite some time now. Since then, we have witnessed instances where the absence of an active reachable founder has left us exposed to potential security risks and made certain aspects of Alliance management challenging. This situation is simply not sustainable long-term. Recently, August privately made it clear to members of the Administration that he wishes to leave the game and this part of the internet behind, including the Alliance he founded and built. It is safe to assume, at this point, that there will be no return of August, or the AugustinAndroid Discord bot, and it is nothing less than foolish to continue waiting for it as we have. This may be incredibly disheartening to hear for many of you; it was for us as well. This unfortunate reality means that previously unprecedented steps are necessary to secure the future and security of this community.

It is with this in mind that the Central Strategic Committee has decided to undergo the process of creating new nations which will be accessible to Alliance Administration and appointing them to the Governorships of the 4 regions. This means we will be switching the regions over to Frontiers and then back to Strongholds in order for the delegates to facilitate the designated nations as successors. Lands End will undergo this process first, and the other regions will follow shortly after. There will not be any re-naming or re-branding or fundamental restructuring of the Alliance with this change. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to work together towards our shared goal of securing the future of the Alliance. As we embark on this new phase, your involvement, insights, and contributions are invaluable. We understand that change can sometimes evoke concerns or uncertainties, and we encourage open and constructive dialogue. This decision was not made lightly. Our goal is nothing more than the intended wellbeing of this community we have all come to be a part of.

What does this mean for members?

As stated previously, not a whole lot. There will be little to no noticeable change for citizens of the Augustin Alliance, and diplomats interacting with it. The changes we have made are simply a mechanical on-site formalization of an arrangement that has been the status-quo as per Alliance policy, since August first departed and left the current Administrators along with the CSC in command in his stead. Going forward, however, it does mean the return of an active Governor over the regions which may fill the roles as required by the individual constitutions and regional structures. This role will be filled by the Administrators of the Alliance. Members also need not worry, any possible threats or snags on this plan are being actively monitored by Alliance leadership and allies and we have taken necessary steps to make sure this period of transition goes smoothly.

Any members curious as to what the "Frontier/Stronghold" system and how it works can look over the news annoucement posted on site that came out earlier this year which may be found by clicking here.

Long Live the Alliance!
