by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Grossvietnam wrote:Vietnamiya, wanna go on the Star War stuff?

I don't have must time, so just 1 message then i am off, ok here the story continue:
Star War Episode II: critical supply line
With the Rebellion fleet are now scattered throughout the entire galaxy, the Empire are now struggling to search for Rebel. Meanwhile, with the guerrilla warfare opened by the Rebellion, the Empire armies has fallen into chaos as more sudden attack took place in many strategic planets and star systems. The Emperor had ordered to fully exterminate all the Tea as soon as possible as to cut off the supply that the Rebel are using. But the Emperor seem to have underestimated the Rebel as the next attack by the Rebellion will surely to shook the entire Empire's reputation.
The story will continue when I'm back. GTG now

Grossvietnam and The angle of chairty
