by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Asendavia wrote:In all seriousness though, given the history of things Merlo had said, and with that flag and motto, I wasn't and am not inclined to believe it was really an accident. Is it still possible it may have been? I suppose, there's always a degree of error and I may have jumped the gun, but I was using my best judgement to determine the intent meant behind it.

Also, his motto, which was "ein volk, ein reich," is similar to the one used by Nazi Germany, which was "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Furher."

Asendavia wrote:I've never liked the marsupial thing either, but as for Merlo being ejected, I mean, that flag, motto, and pretitle seem fairly Nazi-ish to me. Also, having done a reverse image search on the flag, I found this.

"The growing conquest of the world by the Third Reich was, in eyes of many, inevitable. Their advent of nuclear and biological weapons made them unstoppable. In only a few years, the governments of all opposition were targeted with Karmesinrot-13, an advanced bioweapon that decimated the population of their capitals, with nuclear warheads aimed at all major city centers. Ultimatums were given: Surrender or Die. Some resisted; after five nations found themselves utterly annihilated, the rest gave in quickly. This domino effect saw the world fall. The integration of the economically declining Italian Fascist Empire into the Reich was the beginning of the Weltreich in its true form. Soon enough, nations were being made to begin "Nazification" of their populace, and soon National Socialism was officially the dominant ideology of the world. Soon enough, nation-states were carved upon the Earth through force, genocide and mass deportation seen as acceptable means. In the case of the Americas, "Mestizia" was divided into four states, and "Anglia" remaining as yet uncontrolled. And Africa? It became a matter of which tribe accepted National Socialism fastest, resulting in the extermination of all their enemies up to a pre-determined border. On July 7, 2007, when the Fuhrer of the Europan Federal Reich announced the annexation of all nations deemed "ideologically pure", thus turning the Weltreich from a military and economic agreement into a singular state, the globe cheered with wondrous applause.

The flag of the Weltreich is a black banner for fascism, and for the solidarity the "Enlightened Master Races," of whom the Aryan is sovereign, and the gold represents purity and enlightenment. The symbol is the sigil of the Weltreich itself, a modification of the Reichsadler of the German Reich, with twin fasces for the unity of (most of) mankind in both Hemispheres, a victor's wreath to represent victory against National Socialism's enemies, and the replacement of the swastika (now the symbol of the German people) with the Odal rune, signifying the inheritance of the Reich to all of the world, to all of "Humanity's Fatherland.""
The above paragraphs come from this link.

EDIT: Looks like he changed his flag back to his old one. His old motto (he changed his motto also), for those who didn't see it, was "Ein volk, ein reich"

The Holy Utopian Republic wrote:Oof

Oof indeed.

New maiya wrote:A free trade agreement would be helpful, yes. The New Maiyan government gives thanks to the Lerasian government. Factories are making stacks of Fortiniis as building materials are needed for the construction of Nuwe Kitolija. The construction of another major city (in future), Luwëntine, has been started.

"Great cool."

~Harald Bor
