by Max Barry

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Region: 21st Century Rome

Regional Map

by Iroma

the Map of the Empire of Rome,


    21st century rome-1 plot-Roma

    Koroskvy-10 plots-Belgica I, Belgica II, Germania, Achaia, Denmark, Westphalia, Netherlands, Newfoundland, Shetland, Carmania I

    Novo senatus et populusque romanus-9 plots-Aegyptus, Cyrenaica I, Cyrenaica II, Tripolitania, Zeugitana, Numidia, Mauritania I, Mauritania II, Nabataea
    Romaniche-9 plots-S. Chersonesus Aurea, Borneo I, Borneo II, Borneo III, Phillippines, Guanxi, Korea, Primorsky
    Novos romanos-9 plots-Thebais, Japan, Ainu, Zulu, Xhosa, Good Hope, Kru, Kwa, Oulad Delim
    Belned-9 plots-San Francisco, Los Angeles, Jefferson, Nicaragua, Chibchan, Shoshone I, Washoe, S. Pauite I, Gosute
    Koedric-9 plots-Beja, Nubia I, Nubia II, Sudan, Zaghawa, Kordofan I, Darfur I, Chad, Wadai
    Nordicrome-9 plots-Samnium, Apulia, Terraconensis II, Finland I, Finland II, Oulu, Karelia I, Shilha I, Shilha II
    Draconovox-9 plots- Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Sloboda, Donbass, Moskva I, Moskva II
    Azoris-9 plots-Ojibwe I, Ojibwe II, Missaguas, Odawa I, Odawa II, Svalbard, Potawatomi II, Chippewa I, Chippewa II

    Greater roman state-8 plots-Thracia, Bithynia, Paphlagonia, Pontus, Mysia, Lydia, Lycia, Pamphylia
    Iroma-8 plots-Corsica, Sardinia, Taprobane, Campagnia, Etruria, Kampuchea, Tamilikam, Myanmar I

    Sperio-7 plots-Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, Bohemia, Pomerania, Polonia, Silesia
    Olivedrabia-7 plots-Caledonia, Valentia, Hibernia, Caesariensis I, Caesariensis II, Brittania I, Brittania II
    Suwaya-7 plots-Aethiopia I, Aethiopia II, Erythraea, Oromia I, Oromia II, Somaliland, Ogaden
    Kyrata-7 plots-Norway, Geatland, Svealand, Norrland I, Norrland II, Sapmi I, Sapmi II
    Carlist new chimanguacaro-7 plots-Sicilia, Baja California, Hohokam, Sonora, Sinaloa, Zacatecas, Mogollon
    Kamchakta-7 plots- Zhili, Liangjiang, Fujian, Henan, Huguang, Guizhou, Jiannan
    Wolfcloak rebels-7 plots- Albania, Colchis, Taurica, Iberia, Judaea, Zaporizhia, Dnieper
    Akumanga-7 plots- Beleares, Shan, Lan Sang, Siam, Sumatra I, Sumatra II, Vietnam
    Compakt Repsublic-7 plots- Liguria, Alpes, Rhaetia, Gallia Cisalpina I, Gallia Cisalpina II, Venetia, Baetica
    Casillas islands-7 plots- Cuba, Hispaniola, Maya I, Maya II, Zapotec, Mixtec, Honduras
    Aether-7 plots- Lugdunensis I, Lugdunensis II, Lugdunensis III, Aquitania I, Aquitania II, Aquitania III, Narbonensis II
    Urukian-7 plots- Lucania et Brutii, Horn, Hawiya, Maharashtra, Odissa, Hyderabad, Bengal
    Legionarya- 7 plots- Cyprus, Syria, Cilicia, Osrhoena, Cappadocia I, Cappadocia II, Cappadocia III
    Republic of Texas Texas-7 plots- Aztec I, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Tamaluipas, Wolof, West Mande I, Djado
    Albakovoso-7 plots-Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Prussia, Masovia, Pskov, Belarus I
    Labbos-7 plots-Choco, Ecuador, Amazonas I, Loreto, Chinchansuyu, Cuzcu I, Kuntisuyu I
    Langenia- 7 plots- Guarico, Yaruro, Piaroa, Yanomami, Puerto Rico, Miskito, Amazonas II
    Voxalia-7 plots-Chesapeake, Mid-Atlantic, Allegheny, Erie, Tutelo, Miami, Potawatomi I
    Atui-7 plots-Karankawa, Tonkawa, Coahuilateca, Lipan, Jumano, Comanche I, Comanche II

    Ahartsburg-5 plots-Nova Scotia, New England, New Brunswick, Abenaki
    Senatvs populusque romanvs-5 plots-Pannonia I, Noricum, Illyricum I, Umbria, Aemilia
    Hisparta-5 plots-Baetica, Lusitania II
    Slobodovia-5 plots-Dacia I, Dacia II, Dacia III, Moesia I, Moesia II
    Romau-5 plots- Epirus, Macedonia I, Macedonia II, Illyricum II, Dardania
    Wolfratshausen-5 plots-Papua, Maracaibo, Costeno, Andino, Orinoquia
    Crilland-5 plot- Iroquois I, Iroquois II, Nakota, Dakota I, Dakota II
    The soldrania- 5 plots- Aztec I, Aztec II, Aztec III, Jalsico, Atakapa
    Freacessanland- 5 plots- Narbonensis I, Bessarabia, Polissia, Podolia, Western Desert I
    Bicenriia- 5 plots- Chaldaea, Mesopotamia I, Mesopotamia II, Media I, Susa I

    -the furries-2 plots- Madagascar I, Madagascar II
    Elliniko protathlima- 3 plots- Aegean I, Aegean II, Aegean III
    The pact of rome- 3 plots- Pannonia II, Hungaria, Slovakia
    RaFLaNdIa- 3 plots- Myanmar II, Tuareg I, Tuareg II
    Independent german confederation- 3 plots- Iceland, Anticosti, Jamaica
    Aquiliea- 3 plots- Hyrcania I, Carolina, E. Creek
    Hjalm- 3 plots- Crow I, Crow II, Lakota I
    The continent of teyvat- 3 plots- Karelia II, Murmansk, Sapmi III
    Air nomads colony- 3 plots- Agarum, Lakhmids II, Persia I

    Routcher- 1 plot- Creta
    Hailthelord- 1 plot- Taiwan
    Stureca- 1 plot- Hormuz
    Bedil- 1 plot- Java
    Akematsu- 1 plot- Liaoning
    Biwolfia- 1 plot- Catawba

Please tell me if I'm missing land on this list or if you have a better region name than what I listed.

To claim land, DM me on Discord or send me a telegram.
You get land per level. You get 1 plot at level 2, and 2 per level after that. (thus, you can have 0 plots at level 1, 1 plot at level 2, 3 plots at level 3, 5 plots at level 4, etc.) Nations who claimed land before this system was implemented may keep the land from before, but cannot claim more until their level is greater than the amount of land they own on the map.

Note that you cannot claim land if you have the same flag as someone on the map already since that'll make it too tough to tell land apart. If this applies to you, telegram me and we can find a workaround.
LinkRoman Land

If you recently asked our Imperator for land, make sure you made the request to Iroma! He will be updating the map now.

LinkImgur Link
Read factbook

I think this is the updated map, tell me if I forgot something, or you leveled up and want more land.

Olivedrabia, Ahartsburg, Pope landia, Koroskvy, and 1 otherWolfcloak rebels
