by Max Barry

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Region: Fifth Empire

Resurrected rhodesia

P0rtvgal wrote:>fixing the age pyramid

and also
>implying this isnt a massively convenient set of conditions to test world wide state suppression and information control (especially panic spreading)

It's not just old folks who are dying from this bug. Kids, people with bad immune systems, people who are already sick with something else, etc. can all die from the beervirus. Plus, it can turn into Pneumonia which can be very life-threatening.

This level of Big State fearmongering is what I'd expect from libertarians and Anarchists, not Fascists. Get a grip. Obviously the media is blowing it out of proportion, but that doesn't mean it's some kind of conspiracy. The statistical chances of the whole world being in on a global conspiracy without having their cover blown is astronomical.

Reality isn't nearly interesting enough for that to be possible.

Heillblod wrote:"Millions of people across the world: "Race mixing is cool, jews are cool."

One lad on the Internet: "It's a hoax lmao."

Bloody Hell, what a tough call to make! Who should I believe!?!?"


Are you thick?

Heillblod wrote:We live in extremely confusing times, and the mass media is obviosuly the enemy of the people. But I really find it interesting how people who would usually call themself proudly "fascists" start to beg and crawl once they are confronted with their own mortality. I thought we were idealists? Haha

You're not one of us, Anarcho-Primitivist. Stop pretending to be.

Of course the media is the enemy of the people. Anyone with eyes can see that. But the media doesn't have the power to just fabricate a global pandemic. That's literally impossible, in large part thanks to the Internet. Of course it's not as bad as they say it is but that doesn't mean we should just dismiss it altogether and go along with our days like nothings happening. The death rate is climbing rapidly, and it's not just oldies who are taking a bite. Nobody is "begging" or "crawling" right now. We just don't want to get

Heillblod wrote:The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary medical danger. However, it causes a considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and in view of the known fact that 7-15% of acute respiratory diseases are always caused by coronaviruses with every "flu wave", the now continuously added case numbers are still completely in the normal range. About one in every thousand people die from the winter infection waves.

>self-proclaimed "Fascist"
>talks about defending freedom and personal rights

Give up the act, mate. You're not fooling anyone.

Atsuria, Brazika, and Greater-appalachia
