by Max Barry

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Region: Warzone Europe


The Commissioner of Culture is hosting a competition for all the citizens of Warzone Europe! The competition is to write the best Dispatch/IIwiki post in the region! The time frame for this competition is from now to the 23rd of June. The prizes for this competition vary so I'll sum them up now:
Newly Written Dispatch (within the 1 month time frame) - 2 rare cards
Old Dispatch (outside of the 1 month time frame) - 1 rare card
A iiwiki post - 1 ultra-rare card
To submit your post either telegram it to me, quote this post and message me the link or send it on the regional discord!

Also in my goal to be as transparent as possible during my term, I'd like to say that I am currently requesting permission inside of the commission to host a competition for the best submitted flag which will then become flag of the region. If I am given the greenlight for such an event the prize will be one epic card and having your dispatch hung up on the Recruiter Leaderboard.

