by Max Barry

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Region: Fifth Empire

Imperial kratos

I would agree with Fash, but Merther is not wrong, many people have done horrible things, and have been forgiven by God, since they place their faith in God. The Japs did horrible things in the Pacific, just as all the Europeans did in the western theater, we still honor them, and I would say that honoring the Japenese is not a crime. However, they were not defending their homeland, they were defending conquests for the most part. Most of the war was fought over American protectorates, and "colonies". I too would rather be shot then rape someone, but if I had a lapse in moral fortitude, I could still be redeemed by God, there is nothing I can do that He can not forgive. But Fash, if you die, moral according to this world, or immoral, you will go to the same place if you do not repent of all the sin that you have committed in your life. Every time you look at a girl in the wrong way, or become angry at a person, you have sinned, and fallen short of the standard that God has laid out for us. It is impossible to never worship an idol, never lie, never steal, never covet, never disobey your parents. If you ever do any of this, even once, you have failed in the eyes of God. However, He sent a savior for us, who was the perfect man, who never did any of the above, and he did for us, so we could be with the Father in Heaven. Our religion is one of hope, not of legality, the only thing you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ, and be saved. This is the good news, and (Without sounding corny, or condescending,) I will pray that God will change your heart, and everyone in this region who has not turned to God.

Merther and New empire of hispanyo
